David P. Jacobs
David P. Jacobs
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Clemson University
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Self-stabilizing algorithms for minimal dominating sets and maximal independent sets
SM Hedetniemi, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, PK Srimani
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 46 (5-6), 805-811, 2003
Self-stabilizing protocols for maximal matching and maximal independent sets for ad hoc networks
W Goddard, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, PK Srimani
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 14 pp., 2003
Linear time self-stabilizing colorings
ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, PK Srimani
Information Processing Letters 87 (5), 251-255, 2003
Maximal matching stabilizes in time O(m)
ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, PK Srimani
Information Processing Letters 80 (5), 221-223, 2001
Eigenvalues and energy in threshold graphs
DP Jacobs, V Trevisan, F Tura
Linear Algebra and its applications 465, 412-425, 2015
Locating the eigenvalues of trees
DP Jacobs, V Trevisan
Linear Algebra and its Applications 434 (1), 81-88, 2011
Fall colorings of graphs
JE Dunbar, SM Hedetniemi, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, J Knisely, ...
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 33, 257-274, 2000
On the computational complexity of upper fractional domination
GA Cheston, G Fricke, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs
Discrete Applied Mathematics 27 (3), 195-207, 1990
The private neighbor cube
M Fellows, G Fricke, S Hedetniemi, D Jacobs
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 7 (1), 41-47, 1994
Eigenvalue location in threshold graphs
DP Jacobs, V Trevisan, F Tura
Linear Algebra and its applications 439 (10), 2762-2773, 2013
Self-stabilizing graph protocols
W Goddard, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, P Srimani, Z Xu
Parallel Processing Letters 18 (01), 189-199, 2008
Domination subdivision numbers
TW Haynes, SM Hedetniemi, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, J Knisely, ...
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 21 (2), 239-254, 2001
Distance-k knowledge in self-stabilizing algorithms
W Goddard, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, V Trevisan
Theoretical Computer Science 399 (1), 118-127, 2008
A self-stabilizing distributed algorithm for minimal total domination in an arbitrary system graph
W Goddard, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs, PK Srimani
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 4 pp., 2003
A simple heuristic for maximizing service of carousel storage
DP Jacobs, JC Peck, JS Davis
Computers & Operations Research 27 (13), 1351-1356, 2000
Independence and irredundance in k-regular graphs
GH Fricke, ST Hedetniemi, DP Jacobs
Ars Combinatoria 49, 271-279, 1998
Reducing the adjacency matrix of a tree
G Fricke, S Hedetniemi, D Jacobs, V Trevisan
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1, 34-43, 1996
Eigenvalue location in cographs
DP Jacobs, V Trevisan, FC Tura
Discrete Applied Mathematics 245, 220-235, 2018
A systematic approach to teaching abstraction and mathematical modeling
CT Cook, S Drachova, JO Hallstrom, JE Hollingsworth, DP Jacobs, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM annual conference on Innovation and technology …, 2012
A computer algebra system for nonassociative identities
DP Jacobs, SV Muddana, AJ Offutt
Hadronic Mechanics and Nonpotential Interactions, Proceedings of the Fifth …, 1992
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Articles 1–20