Vaggos Chatziafratis
Vaggos Chatziafratis
University of California, Santa Cruz
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Cited by
Approximate hierarchical clustering via sparsest cut and spreading metrics
M Charikar, V Chatziafratis
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2017
From Trees to Continuous Embeddings and Back: Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering
I Chami, A Gu, V Chatziafratis, C Re
NeurIPS 2020, 2020
Hierarchical clustering better than average-linkage
M Charikar, V Chatziafratis, R Niazadeh
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2019
Hierarchical clustering with structural constraints
V Chatziafratis, R Niazadeh, M Charikar
International conference on machine learning, 774-783, 2018
Hierarchical clustering for euclidean data
M Charikar, V Chatziafratis, R Niazadeh, G Yaroslavtsev
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics …, 2019
Depth-width trade-offs for relu networks via sharkovsky's theorem
V Chatziafratis, SG Nagarajan, I Panageas, X Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.04378, 2019
Attack vulnerability of power systems under an equal load redistribution model
TC Gulcu, V Chatziafratis, Y Zhang, O Yağan
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (3), 1306-1319, 2018
Efficiently computing nash equilibria in adversarial team markov games
F Kalogiannis, I Anagnostides, I Panageas, EV Vlatakis-Gkaragkounis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.02204, 2022
Bisect and conquer: Hierarchical clustering via max-uncut bisection
S Ahmadian, V Chatziafratis, A Epasto, E Lee, M Mahdian, K Makarychev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.06983, 2019
Better depth-width trade-offs for neural networks through the lens of dynamical systems
V Chatziafratis, SG Nagarajan, I Panageas
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1469-1478, 2020
Stability and recovery for independence systems
V Chatziafratis, T Roughgarden, J Vondrák
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.00127, 2017
Adversarially robust low dimensional representations
P Awasthi, V Chatziafratis, X Chen, A Vijayaraghavan
Conference on Learning Theory, 237-325, 2021
Bisect and conquer: Hierarchical clustering via max-uncut bisection
V Chatziafratis, G Yaroslavtsev, E Lee, K Makarychev, S Ahmadian, ...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3121-3132, 2020
Bilu-linial stability, certified algorithms and the independent set problem
H Angelidakis, P Awasthi, A Blum, V Chatziafratis, C Dan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08414, 2018
Maximizing Agreements for Ranking, Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering via MAX-CUT
V Chatziafratis, M Mahdian, S Ahmadian
AISTATS 2021, 2021
Hierarchical Clustering via Sketches and Hierarchical Correlation Clustering
D Vainstein, V Chatziafratis, G Citovsky, A Rajagopalan, M Mahdian, ...
AISTATS 2021, 2021
Hierarchical clustering in graph streams: Single-pass algorithms and space lower bounds
S Assadi, V Chatziafratis, V Mirrokni, C Wang
Conference on Learning Theory, 4643-4702, 2022
Hierarchical Clustering with Global Objectives: Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results
E Chatziafratis
Stanford University, 2020
On the robustness of power systems: optimal load-capacity distributions and hardness of attacking
E Chatziafratis, Y Zhang, O Yağan
2016 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-10, 2016
Triplet reconstruction and all other phylogenetic csps are approximation resistant
V Chatziafratis, K Makarychev
2023 IEEE 64th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS …, 2023
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Articles 1–20