Philipp Stieg
Philipp Stieg
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Drivers of internationalization success: a conjoint choice experiment on German SME managers
S Kraus, C Mitter, F Eggers, P Stieg
Review of Managerial Science 11, 691-716, 2017
Born-again globals: generational change and family business internationalisation
P Stieg, MRW Hiebl, S Kraus, F Schüssler, S Sattler
European Journal of International Management 11 (5), 581-605, 2017
Antecedents of successful internationalization in family and non-family firms: How knowledge resources and collaboration intensity shape international performance
P Stieg, B Cesinger, G Apfelthaler, S Kraus, CF Cheng
Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive only) 28 (1), 14-27, 2018
The influence of leadership styles on the internationalisation of'born-global'firms and traditionally global-expanding firms
S Kraus, T Niemand, M Besler, P Stieg, C Martinez-Ciment
European Journal of International Management 12 (5-6), 554-575, 2018
All roads lead to Rome: internationalization pathways of family-owned SMEs
P Stieg, W Hora, T Niemand, S Kraus, M Filser
International Journal of Business Strategy 17 (3), 47-64, 2017
Stewardship in der Familienunternehmensforschung: Eine Literaturanalyse
P Stieg
ZfKE–Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 47-76, 2015
Assessing the landscape of SME internationalization: a review of existing literature
P Stieg, S Kraus, RB Bouncken
Journal of International Business and Economics 14 (3), 173-180, 2014
Family Business Across National Borders: Strategies and Processes of Internationalization
P Stieg, S Kraus, T Kirn, MJ Menichetti
Cross-Border Life and Work: Social, Economic, Technological and …, 2023
Internationalization Behaviour: The Dynamics of Family-owned SMEs' Specific Characteristics: Doctoral Thesis
P Stieg
Universität Liechtenstein, Business Economics, 2017
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