Yevgeniy Vahlis
Yevgeniy Vahlis
CEO, Shakudo
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Verifiable delegation of computation over large datasets
S Benabbas, R Gennaro, Y Vahlis
Annual Cryptology Conference, 111-131, 2011
Secure two-party computation in sublinear (amortized) time
SD Gordon, J Katz, V Kolesnikov, F Krell, T Malkin, M Raykova, Y Vahlis
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2012
Signatures resilient to continual leakage on memory and computation
T Malkin, I Teranishi, Y Vahlis, M Yung
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 89-106, 2011
CCA2 secure IBE: standard model efficiency through authenticated symmetric encryption
E Kiltz, Y Vahlis
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference, 221-238, 2008
Protecting cryptographic keys against continual leakage
A Juma, Y Vahlis
Annual Cryptology Conference, 41-58, 2010
On the impossibility of basing identity based encryption on trapdoor permutations
D Boneh, P Papakonstantinou, C Rackoff, Y Vahlis, B Waters
2008 49th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 283-292, 2008
EyeDecrypt—Private interactions in plain sight
AG Forte, JA Garay, T Jim, Y Vahlis
Security and Cryptography for Networks: 9th International Conference, SCN …, 2014
How powerful are the DDH hard groups?
PA Papakonstantinou, CW Rackoff, Y Vahlis
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012
Two is a crowd? a black-box separation of one-wayness and security under correlated inputs
Y Vahlis
Theory of Cryptography: 7th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2010 …, 2010
Is it really you? User identification via adaptive behavior fingerprinting
P Giura, I Murynets, R Piqueras Jover, Y Vahlis
Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on Data and application security and …, 2014
Multi-location leakage resilient cryptography
A Juma, Y Vahlis, M Yung
International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 504-521, 2012
Secure Key Exchange and Sessions Without Credentials
V Kolesnikov, C Rackoff, Y Vahlis
Secure key exchange and sessions without credentials
R Canetti, V Kolesnikov, C Rackoff, Y Vahlis
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013
Research projects
SG Choi, B Fisch, A Keromytis, V Kolesnikov, A Kumarasubramanian, ...
Molecules and Cells 39 (5), 367-374, 2016
Efficient Network-Based Enforcement of Data Access Rights
P Giura, V Kolesnikov, A Tentes, Y Vahlis
Security and Cryptography for Networks: 9th International Conference, SCN …, 2014
Unidirectional Lambek Grammars in Polynomial Time
PA Papakonstantinou, G Penn, Y Vahlis
EyeDecrypt—Private Interactions in Plain Sight
AFJGT Jim, Y Vahlis
PriSec 2014
C Alcaraz, S Dolev, Y Vahlis, G Pernul, C Morisset, D Gollmann, Y Xiang, ...
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Artikel 1–18