Max Resch
Max Resch
Center for Cultures and Technologies of Collecting, University for Continuing Education Krems
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Thinning out Steiner trees: a node-based model for uniform edge costs
M Fischetti, M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Luipersbeck, M Monaci, M Resch, ...
Mathematical Programming Computation 9 (2), 203-229, 2017
New real-world instances for the Steiner tree problem in graphs
M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Prossegger, M Resch
ISOR, Uni Wien, Tech. Rep, 2014
A Partition-Based Heuristic for the Steiner Tree Problem in Large Graphs
M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Luipersbeck, M Resch
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8457 (Hybrid Metaheuristics), 56-70, 2014
Thinning out Steiner trees
M Fischetti, M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Monaci, M Resch, ...
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