Suzan Bayhan
Suzan Bayhan
Associate Professor, University of Twente
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Radio Environment Map As Enabler for Practical Cognitive Radio Networks
HB Yilmaz, S Bayhan, T Tugcu, F Alagöz
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2013
Cognitive femtocell networks: an overlay architecture for localized dynamic spectrum access [dynamic spectrum management]
G Gur, S Bayhan, F Alagoz
IEEE Wireless Communications 4 (17), 62-70, 2010
Scheduling in Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks for Energy Efficiency
S Bayhan, F Alagoz
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013
Energy-Efficient Multi-Channel Cooperative Sensing Scheduling with Heterogeneous Channel Conditions for Cognitive Radio Networks
S Eryigit, S Bayhan, T Tugcu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013
Pro-Diluvian: Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery in Information-Centric Networking
L Wang, S Bayhan, J Ott, J Kangasharju, A Sathiaseelan, J Crowcroft
ACM ICN, 2015
Key advances in pervasive edge computing for industrial Internet of Things in 5G and beyond
A Narayanan, AS De Sena, D Gutierrez-Rojas, DC Melgarejo, ...
IEEE Access 8, 206734-206754, 2020
Pruning edge research with latency shears
N Mohan, L Corneo, A Zavodovski, S Bayhan, W Wong, J Kangasharju
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 182-189, 2020
Spass: Spectrum Sensing as a Service via Smart Contracts
S Bayhan, A Zubow, A Wolisz
Surrounded by the clouds: A comprehensive cloud reachability study
L Corneo, M Eder, N Mohan, A Zavodovski, S Bayhan, W Wong, ...
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 295-304, 2021
A Markovian approach for best-fit channel selection in cognitive radio networks
S Bayhan, F Alagöz
Ad Hoc Networks 12, 165-177, 2014
Smart contracts for spectrum sensing as a service
S Bayhan, A Zubow, P Gawłowicz, A Wolisz
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2019
DeCloud: Truthful Decentralized Double Auction for Edge Clouds
A Zavodovski, S Bayhan, N Mohan, P Zhou, W Wong, J Kangasharju
The 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2019
Distributed channel selection in CRAHNs: A non-selfish scheme for mitigating spectrum fragmentation
S Bayhan, F Alagöz
Ad Hoc Networks 10 (5), 774-788, 2012
Optimal chunking and partial caching in information-centric networks
L Wang, S Bayhan, J Kangasharju
Computer Communications 61, 48-57, 2015
Energy efficiency is a subtle concept: Fundamental trade-offs for cognitive radio networks
S Eryigit, G Gur, S Bayhan, T Tugcu
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (7), 30-36, 2014
Performance of delay‐sensitive traffic in multi‐layered satellite IP networks with on‐board processing capability
S Bayhan, G Gür, F Alagöz
International Journal of Communication Systems 20 (12), 1367-1389, 2007
Effects of Cooperation Policy and Network Topology on Performance of In-Network Caching
L Wang, S Bayhan, J Kangasharju
IEEE Communications Letters, 2014
Deeptxfinder: Multiple transmitter localization by deep learning in crowdsourced spectrum sensing
A Zubow, S Bayhan, P Gawłowicz, F Dressler
2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2020
A novel handover protocol to prevent hidden node problem in satellite assisted cognitive radio networks
D Gozupek, S Bayhan, F Alagoz
2008 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 693-696, 2008
The future is unlicensed: Coexistence in the unlicensed spectrum for 5G
S Bayhan, G Gür, A Zubow
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.04964, 2018
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