Thomas Schober
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Zitiert von
Gender wage inequality and economic growth: is there really a puzzle?—a comment
T Schober, R Winter-Ebmer
World development 39 (8), 1476-1484, 2011
Birth order, parental health investment, and health in childhood
GJ Pruckner, N Schneeweis, T Schober, M Zweimüller
Journal of Health Economics 76, 102426, 2021
Exploring variations in health‐care expenditures—What is the role of practice styles?
A Ahammer, T Schober
Health Economics 29 (6), 683-699, 2020
The company you keep: health behavior among work peers
GJ Pruckner, T Schober, K Zocher
The European Journal of Health Economics 21 (2), 251-259, 2020
Follow your heart: survival chances and costs after heart attacks—an instrumental variable approach
A Sanwald, T Schober
Health services research 52 (1), 16-34, 2017
Effects of a measles outbreak on vaccination uptake
T Schober
Economics & Human Biology 38, 100871, 2020
Health-care utilization of refugees: evidence from Austria
T Schober, K Zocher
International Migration Review 56 (3), 810-842, 2022
Hospitals and the generic versus brand‐name prescription decision in the outpatient sector
GJ Pruckner, T Schober
Health Economics 27 (8), 1264-1283, 2018
Cost savings of developmental screenings: Evidence from a nationwide program
M Halla, GJ Pruckner, T Schober
Journal of Health Economics 49, 120-135, 2016
Psychische und physische Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen im Jugendalter
J Bacher, C Koblbauer, T Lankmayer, G Pruckner, S Riegler, T Schober, ...
Bundesministeriums für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (BMASK …, 2016
Explaining variations in health care expenditures–What is the role of practice styles?
A Ahammer, T Schober
Journal of Women’s Studie 1, 14, 2016
Ältere Arbeitnehmer, gesundheitliche Einschränkungen und Übergänge in den Ruhestand
T Schober, R Winter-Ebmer
Endbericht. Linz: Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Johannes Kepler …, 2011
Looking into the black box of" medical progress": Rising health expenditures by illness type and age
F Breyer, N Lorenz, GJ Pruckner, T Schober
Working paper, 2021
Looking into the black box of “Medical Innovation”: rising health expenditures by illness type
F Breyer, N Lorenz, GJ Pruckner, T Schober
The European Journal of Health Economics 23 (9), 1601-1612, 2022
Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on childhood vaccine uptake with administrative data
L Iusitini, G Pacheco, T Schober
SSM-Population Health 26, 101657, 2024
Basic reading and mathematics skills and the labour market outcomes of young people: Evidence from PISA and linked administrative data
L Meehan, G Pacheco, T Schober
Economic Record 99 (327), 473-491, 2023
The quantity and quality of children: A semi-parametric bayesian iv approach
S Frühwirth-Schnatter, M Halla, A Posekany, GJ Pruckner, T Schober
IZA Discussion Papers, 2014
Kündigung unter Strafe-Beschäftigungsförderung für Ältere in Österreich
T Schober, M Schnalzenberger, R Winter-Ebmer
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft-WuG 37 (3), 461-470, 2011
Childhood Obesity and Health Care Utilization: Empirical Evidence from Austrian Administrative Data
AJ Hill, DGJ Pruckner, T Schober
Childhood Obesity 19 (6), 391-398, 2023
Paying adolescents for health screenings works
M Halla, GJ Pruckner, T Schober
American Journal of Health Economics 8 (4), 534-548, 2022
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