Andrea C. Kollmann
Andrea C. Kollmann
Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
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Exploring the role of ICT on household behavioural energy efficiency to mitigate global warming
L Bastida, JJ Cohen, A Kollmann, A Moya, J Reichl
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103, 455-462, 2019
Exploring the impact of network tariffs on household electricity expenditures using load profiles and socio-economic characteristics
V Azarova, D Engel, C Ferner, A Kollmann, J Reichl
Nature Energy 3 (4), 317-325, 2018
Preferences for community renewable energy investments in Europe
JJ Cohen, V Azarova, A Kollmann, J Reichl
Energy Economics 100, 105386, 2021
The baseline in bottom-up energy efficiency and saving calculations–A concept for its formalisation and a discussion of relevant options
J Reichl, A Kollmann
Applied energy 88 (2), 422-431, 2011
The importance of incorporating reliability of supply criteria in a regulatory system of electricity distribution: An empirical analysis for Austria
J Reichl, A Kollmann, R Tichler, F Schneider
Energy policy 36 (10), 3862-3871, 2008
Reducing household electricity consumption during evening peak demand times: Evidence from a field experiment
V Azarova, JJ Cohen, A Kollmann, J Reichl
Energy Policy 144, 111657, 2020
Optimal sizing of residential PV-systems from a household and social cost perspective: a case study in Austria
M Hartner, D Mayr, A Kollmann, R Haas
Solar Energy 141, 49-58, 2017
The potential for community financed electric vehicle charging infrastructure
V Azarova, JJ Cohen, A Kollmann, J Reichl
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 88, 102541, 2020
Why does environmental policy in representative democracies tend to be inadequate? A preliminary public choice analysis
A Kollmann, F Schneider
Sustainability 2 (12), 3710-3734, 2010
How trust in governments influences the acceptance of environmental taxes
A Kollmann, J Reichl
Political Economy and Instruments of Environmental Politics, 53-69, 2015
The drivers of individual climate actions in Europe
J Reichl, JJ Cohen, CA Klöckner, A Kollmann, V Azarova
Global Environmental Change 71, 102390, 2021
Tackling the challenge of interdisciplinary energy research: A research toolkit
JJ Cohen, V Azarova, CA Klöckner, A Kollmann, E Löfström, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 74, 101966, 2021
Norms, prices, and commitment: A comprehensive overview of field experiments in the energy domain and treatment effect moderators
S Vesely, CA Klöckner, G Carrus, L Tiberio, F Caffaro, ME Biresselioglu, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Accelerating sustainable and economic development via industrial energy cooperation and shared services–A case study for three European countries
MD Mainar-Toledo, MA Castan, G Millán, V Rodin, A Kollmann, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153, 111737, 2022
Q-complementarity in household adoption of photovoltaics and electricity-intensive goods: The case of electric vehicles
J Cohen, V Azarova, A Kollmann, J Reichl
Energy Economics 83, 567-577, 2019
International survey of the ECHOES project
J Reichl, J Cohen, A Kollmann, V Azarova, C Klöckner, J Royrvik, ...
Zenodo 1, 2019
Lastverschiebung in Haushalt, Industrie, Gewerbe und kommunaler Infrastruktur–Potenzialanalyse für Smart Grids-LOADSHIFT
A Kollmann, C Amann, C Elbe, V Heinisch, A Kraußler, S Moser, ...
Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 1-16, 2013
PlanVision–Visionen für eine energieoptimierte Raumplanung
G Stöglehner, M Narodoslawsky, H Steinmüller, K Steininger, M Weiss, ...
Projektendbericht. Gefördert aus Mitteln des Klima-und Energiefonds 1, 1-216, 2011
Smart Metering im Kontext von Smart Grids
A Kollmann, S Moser
NachhaltigWirtschaften, Eds. Bundesministerium Für Verkehr, Innovation Und …, 2014
Macro-factors driving bicycle adoption as a primary transport mode across Europe
RK O’Reilly, A Kollmann, JJ Cohen, J Reichl
Travel Behaviour and Society 34, 100669, 2024
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