Ayşegül Engin
Cited by
Cited by
Information representation in decision making: The impact of cognitive style and depletion effects
A Engin, R Vetschera
Decision Support Systems, 2017
Optimistic overconfidence in electronic reverse auctions
A Engin, R Vetschera
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35, 100842, 2019
Behavioral operational research
L White, M Kunc, K Burger, J Malpass
Springer, 2020
The cognitive ability and working memory framework: Interpreting cognitive reflection test results in the domain of the cognitive experiential theory
A Engin
Central European Journal of Operations Research 29 (1), 227-245, 2021
Is there more than one ratio bias? If so, why?
D Bourdin, A Engin, R Vetschera
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2021
A 2020 perspective on “Optimistic overconfidence in electronic reverse auctions: A research commentary on behavioral OR methods”
A Engin, R Vetschera
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 40, 100937, 2020
In whose bed shall I sleep tonight? The impact of transaction-specific versus partner-specific information on pricing on a sharing platform
A Engin, R Vetschera
Information & Management 59 (6), 103666, 2022
How groups manage conflict when using model-driven decision support: An epistemic motivation lens
A Engin, LA Franco, EAJA Rouwette
Omega 129, 103142, 2024
A tribute to Rudolf Vetschera
C Stummer, A Engin
Central European Journal of Operations Research 29 (1), 1-6, 2021
In Whose Bed Shall I Sleep Tonight? The Impact of Transaction-Specific vs. Partner-Specific Information on Pricing in a Sharing Platform
A Engin, R Vetschera
The Impact of Transaction-Specific vs. Partner-Specific Information on …, 2020
Feedback, Information Representation and Bidder Behavior in Electronic Auctions
A Engin, R Vetschera
Behavioral Operational Research: A Capabilities Approach, 59-71, 2020
Overconfidence in Electronic Reverse Auctions
A Engin, R Vetschera
Procedings of the 15th International Symposium on Operational Research: SOR …, 2019
First EWG-BOR winter meeting@ Eawag 29./30. January 2018
J Lienert, S Zürcher
Effects of Information Representation on Decision Making
A Engin
The 15th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia Bled, SLOVENIA, September 25-27, 2019
LZ Stirn, MK Borštar, J Žerovnik, S Drobne, J Povh
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Articles 1–15