Stephen Machin
Stephen Machin
Department of Economics and Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics
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Implications of skill-biased technological change: international evidence
E Berman, J Bound, S Machin
The quarterly journal of economics 113 (4), 1245-1279, 1998
The economics of international differences in educational achievement
EA Hanushek, L Woessmann
Handbook of the Economics of Education 3, 89-200, 2011
Technology and changes in skill structure: evidence from seven OECD countries
S Machin, J Van Reenen
The quarterly journal of economics 113 (4), 1215-1244, 1998
The profitability of innovating firms
P Geroski, S Machin, J Van Reenen
The Rand journal of economics, 198-211, 1993
The crime reducing effect of education
S Machin, O Marie, S Vujić
The Economic Journal 121 (552), 463-484, 2011
Crime and economic incentives
S Machin, C Meghir
Journal of Human resources 39 (4), 958-979, 2004
Intergenerational mobility in Britain
L Dearden, S Machin, H Reed
The Economic Journal 107 (440), 47-66, 1997
The causes and consequences of longterm unemployment in Europe
S Machin, A Manning
Handbook of labor economics 3, 3085-3139, 1999
The economic impact of minimum wages in Europe
J Dolado, F Kramarz, S Machin, A Manning, D Margolis, C Teulings
Economic policy 11 (23), 317-372, 1996
Valuing rail access using transport innovations
S Gibbons, S Machin
Journal of urban Economics 57 (1), 148-169, 2005
Educational inequality and the expansion of UK higher education
J Blanden, S Machin
Scottish journal of political economy 51 (2), 230-249, 2004
Intergenerational mobility in europe and north america
J Blanden, P Gregg, S Machin
Report supported by the Sutton Trust, Centre for Economic Performance …, 2005
Minimum wages and firm profitability
M Draca, S Machin, J Van Reenen
American economic journal: applied economics 3 (1), 129-151, 2011
The effects of minimum wages on employment: Theory and evidence from Britain
R Dickens, S Machin, A Manning
Journal of labor economics 17 (1), 1-22, 1999
Panic on the streets of London: Police, crime, and the July 2005 terror attacks
M Draca, S Machin, R Witt
American Economic Review 101 (5), 2157-2181, 2011
The changing distribution of male wages in the UK
A Gosling, S Machin, C Meghir
The Review of Economic Studies 67 (4), 635-666, 2000
Crime and immigration: Evidence from large immigrant waves
B Bell, F Fasani, S Machin
Review of Economics and statistics 95 (4), 1278-1290, 2013
An anatomy of economic inequality in the UK-report of the national equality panel
J Hills
LSE STICERD Research Paper No. CASEREPORT60, 2010
Valuing English primary schools
S Gibbons, S Machin
Journal of urban economics 53 (2), 197-219, 2003
The effects of minimum wages on wage dispersion and employment: Evidence from the UK Wages Councils
S Machin, A Manning
ILR Review 47 (2), 319-329, 1994
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