Dmitry L Kovrizhin
Dmitry L Kovrizhin
Theoretical Physics, Oxford University
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Proximate Kitaev quantum spin liquid behaviour in a honeycomb magnet
A Banerjee, CA Bridges, JQ Yan, AA Aczel, L Li, MB Stone, GE Granroth, ...
Nature materials 15 (7), 733-740, 2016
Dynamics of a two-dimensional quantum spin liquid: signatures of emergent Majorana fermions and fluxes
J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker, R Moessner
Physical Review Letters 112 (20), 207203, 2014
Fermionic response from fractionalization in an insulating two-dimensional magnet
J Nasu, J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, Y Motome, R Moessner
Nature Physics 12 (10), 912-915, 2016
Disorder-free localization
A Smith, J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, R Moessner
Physical review letters 118 (26), 266601, 2017
Raman Scattering Signatures of Kitaev Spin Liquids in Iridates with or Li
J Knolle, GW Chern, DL Kovrizhin, R Moessner, NB Perkins
Physical review letters 113 (18), 187201, 2014
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons in
T Radu, H Wilhelm, V Yushankhai, D Kovrizhin, R Coldea, Z Tylczynski, ...
Physical review letters 95 (12), 127202, 2005
Dynamics of fractionalization in quantum spin liquids
J Knolle, DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker, R Moessner
Physical Review B 92 (11), 115127, 2015
Absence of ergodicity without quenched disorder: From quantum disentangled liquids to many-body localization
A Smith, J Knolle, R Moessner, DL Kovrizhin
Physical Review Letters 119 (17), 176601, 2017
Density wave and supersolid phases of correlated bosons in an optical lattice
DL Kovrizhin, GV Pai, S Sinha
Europhysics Letters 72 (2), 162, 2005
Dynamical localization in lattice gauge theories
A Smith, J Knolle, R Moessner, DL Kovrizhin
Physical Review B 97 (24), 245137, 2018
Friction and diffusion of matter-wave bright solitons
S Sinha, AY Cherny, D Kovrizhin, J Brand
Physical review letters 96 (3), 030406, 2006
Multiparticle interference in electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometers
DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (15), 155318, 2010
Exact form of the Bogoliubov excitations in one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation
DL Kovrizhin
Physics Letters A 287 (5-6), 392-396, 2001
Anomalous tunneling of phonon excitations between two Bose-Einstein condensates
Y Kagan, DL Kovrizhin, LA Maksimov
Physical review letters 90 (13), 130402, 2003
Equilibration of integer quantum Hall edge states
DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (8), 085105, 2011
Quantized gravitational responses, the sign problem, and quantum complexity
Z Ringel, DL Kovrizhin
Science advances 3 (9), e1701758, 2017
Exactly solved model for an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (16), 161306, 2009
Relaxation in driven integer quantum Hall edge states
DL Kovrizhin, JT Chalker
Physical Review Letters 109 (10), 106403, 2012
Bulk-edge correspondence in fractional Chern insulators
Z Liu, DL Kovrizhin, EJ Bergholtz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 081106, 2013
Vortex structures in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
SI Matveenko, D Kovrizhin, S Ouvry, GV Shlyapnikov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (6), 063621, 2009
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Articles 1–20