Frank de Boer
Frank de Boer
Leader research group Formal Methods at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and prof. Leiden Univ.
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Enterprise architecture at work: Modelling, communication and analysis
M Lankhorst, et. al.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc, 2009
Verification of sequential and concurrent programs
K Apt, FS De Boer, ER Olderog
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Agent programming in 3APL
KV Hindriks, FS De Boer, W Van der Hoek, JJC Meyer
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2, 357-401, 1999
Concurrency verification: introduction to compositional and noncompositional methods
WP De Roever, FS de Boer, et. al.
Cambridge Univ Pr, 2001
A complete guide to the future
FS De Boer, D Clarke, EB Johnsen
European Symposium on Programming, 316-330, 2007
Agent programming with declarative goals
KV Hindriks, FS De Boer, W Van Der Hoek, JJC Meyer
Intelligent Agents VII Agent Theories Architectures and Languages: 7th …, 2001
Modeling and verification of reactive systems using Rebeca
M Sirjani, A Movaghar, A Shali, FS De Boer
Fundamenta Informaticae 63 (4), 385-410, 2004
Towards a language for coherent enterprise architecture descriptions
H Jonkers, R Van Burren, F Arbab, F de Boer, M Bonsangue, H Bosma, ...
Seventh IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2003
A survey of active object languages
FD Boer, V Serbanescu, R Hähnle, L Henrio, J Rochas, CC Din, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (5), 1-39, 2017
OpenJDK’s Java. utils. Collection. sort () is broken: the good, the bad and the worst case
S De Gouw, J Rot, FS de Boer, R Bubel, R Hähnle
Computer Aided Verification: 27th International Conference, CAV 2015, San …, 2015
Models and temporal logical specifications for timed component connectors
F Arbab, C Baier, F de Boer, J Rutten
Software & Systems Modeling 6, 59-82, 2007
Formal semantics for an abstract agent programming language
KV Hindriks, FS de Boer, W van der Hoek, JJC Meyer
Intelligent Agents IV Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 4th …, 1998
A fully abstract model for concurrent constraint programming
FS De Boer, C Palamidessi
Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, 296-319, 1991
Formalizing UML models and OCL constraints in PVS
M Kyas, H Fecher, FS de Boer, J Jacob, J Hooman, M Van Der Zwaag, ...
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 115, 39-47, 2005
A timed concurrent constraint language
FS de Boer, M Gabbrielli, MC Meo
Information and Computation 161 (1), 45-83, 2000
Proving concurrent constraint programs correct
FS De Boer, M Gabbrielli, E Marchiori, C Palamidessi
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 19 (5), 685-725, 1997
The failure of failures in a paradigm for asynchronous communication
FS de Boer, JN Kok, C Palamidessi, JJMM Rutten
CONCUR'91: 2nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory Amsterdam, The …, 1991
Programming agent deliberation: An approach illustrated using the 3APL language
M Dastani, F De Boer, F Dignum, JJ Meyer
Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2003
Change impact analysis of enterprise architectures
FS de Boer, MM Bonsangue, LPJ Groenewegen, AW Stam, S Stevens, ...
IRI-2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration …, 2005
A wp-calculus for OO
FS De Boer
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation …, 1999
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