Francisca Pérez
Cited by
Cited by
Successful treatment of severe intra‐abdominal bleeding associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation using recombinant activated factor VII
F Moscardó, F Pérez, J De La Rubia, B Balerdi, JI Lorenzo, ML Senent, ...
British Journal of Haematology 114 (1), 174-176, 2001
Calidad de la Educación Básica y su Evaluación
H Valdés, F Pérez
La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1999
A simple and effective procedure for selection of wine yeast strains
JA Regodón, F Pérez, ME Valdés, C De Miguel, M Ramırez
Food Microbiology 14 (3), 247-254, 1997
Bacteremia Due to Staphylococcus epldermidis: Microbiologic, Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Prognostic Features
S Fidalgo, F Vázquez, MC Mendoza, F Pérez, FJ Méndez
Clinical Infectious Diseases 12 (3), 520-528, 1990
Achilles tendon length and medial gastrocnemius architecture in children with cerebral palsy and equinus gait
TAL Wren, AP Cheatwood, SA Rethlefsen, R Hara, FJ Perez, RM Kay
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 30 (5), 479-484, 2010
Artificial neural network for short-term load forecasting in distribution systems
L Hernández, C Baladrón, JM Aguiar, L Calavia, B Carro, ...
Energies 7 (3), 1576-1598, 2014
La Cueva de Les Mallaetes y los problemas del Paleolítico Superior del Mediterráneo español
FJ Fortea Pérez, F Jordá Cerdá
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 1975
Anxiety, depression, and asthma control: changes after standardized treatment
J Sastre, A Crespo, A Fernandez-Sanchez, M Rial, V Plaza, FC González, ...
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 6 (6), 1953-1959, 2018
The effects of non-thermal pulsed electromagnetic energy on wound healing of pressure ulcers in spinal cord-injured patients: a randomized, double-blind study.
CA Salzberg, SA Cooper-Vastola, F Perez, MG Viehbeck, DW Byrne
Ostomy/wound management 41 (3), 42-4, 46, 48 passim, 1995
Los comienzos del arte paleolítico en Asturias: aportaciones desde una arqueología contextual no postestilística
FJ Fortea Pérez
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 2001
Influence of killer strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on wine fermentation
F Pérez, M Ramírez, JA Regodón
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 79, 393-399, 2001
A wearable wireless sensor network for indoor smart environment monitoring in safety applications
D Antolín, N Medrano, B Calvo, F Pérez
Sensors 17 (2), 365, 2017
Los “santuarios” exteriores en el Paleolítico cantábrico
Complutum 5, 203-220, 1994
Site Effects in a Volcanic Environment: A Comparison between hvsr and Array Techniques at Colima, Mexico
FJ Chávez-García, T Domínguez, M Rodríguez, F Pérez
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (2), 591-604, 2007
The diagnosis of personality disorder with a modified version of the SCID-II in a Spanish clinical sample
M Gómez-Beneyto, M Villar, M Renovell, F Pérez, M Hernandez, C Leal, ...
Journal of Personality Disorders 8 (2), 104-110, 1994
Near-Universal Prevalence of Pneumocystis and Associated Increase in Mucus in the Lungs of Infants With Sudden Unexpected Death
SL Vargas, CA Ponce, M Gallo, F Pérez, JF Astorga, R Bustamante, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 56 (2), 171-179, 2013
Investigaciones en la cuenca media del Nalón Asturias (España) Noticia y primeros resultados
FJF Pérez
Zephyrvs 32, 1981
Nutrición y alimentación humana
F Pérez, S Zamora
Aula de mayores, Universidad de Murcia, 2002
A clinical prediction rule for pulmonary tuberculosis in emergency departments
L Solari, C Acuna-Villaorduna, A Soto, J Agapito, F Perez, F Samalvides, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 12 (6), 619-624, 2008
Oral microemulsion cyclosporine in the treatment of steroid-refractory attacks of ulcerative and indeterminate colitis
L Navazo, H Salata, S Morales, MC Dorta, F Perez, D de Las Casas, ...
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 36 (6), 610-614, 2001
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