Luis Baumela
Luis Baumela
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Zitiert von
A morphological approach to curvature-based evolution of curves and surfaces
P Marquez-Neila, L Baumela, L Alvarez
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 36 (1), 2-17, 2013
Revisiting linear discriminant techniques in gender recognition
J Bekios-Calfa, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 33 (4), 858-864, 2010
A deeply-initialized coarse-to-fine ensemble of regression trees for face alignment
R Valle, JM Buenaposada, A Valdes, L Baumela
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 585-601, 2018
Robust gender recognition by exploiting facial attributes dependencies
J Bekios-Calfa, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
Pattern recognition letters 36, 228-234, 2014
BEBLID: Boosted efficient binary local image descriptor
I Suárez, G Sfeir, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
Pattern recognition letters 133, 366-372, 2020
Morphological snakes
L Álvarez, L Baumela, P Henríquez, P Márquez-Neila
2010 IEEE Computer Society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
Determining the egomotion of an uncalibrated camera from instantaneous optical flow
MJ Brooks, W Chojnacki, L Baumela
JOSA A 14 (10), 2670-2677, 1997
Efficiently Estimating Facial Expression and Illumination in Appearance-based Tracking.
JM Buenaposada, E Munoz, L Baumela, U ESCET
BMVC, 57-66, 2006
Multi-task head pose estimation in-the-wild
R Valle, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (8), 2874-2881, 2020
Real-time tracking and estimation of plane pose
JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2, 697-700, 2002
Recognising facial expressions in video sequences
JM Buenaposada, E Munoz, L Baumela
Pattern Analysis and Applications 11, 101-116, 2008
Direct methods for self-calibration of a moving stereo head
MJ Brooks, L de Agapito, DQ Huynh, L Baumela
Computer Vision—ECCV'96: 4th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1996
ELSED: Enhanced line segment drawing
I Suárez, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
Pattern Recognition 127, 108619, 2022
Face alignment using a 3D deeply-initialized ensemble of regression trees
R Valle, JM Buenaposada, A Valdés, L Baumela
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 189, 102846, 2019
Analysing driver's attention level using computer vision
LM Bergasa, JM Buenaposada, J Nuevo, P Jimenez, L Baumela
2008 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2008
Efficient model-based 3d tracking of deformable objects
E Munoz, JM Buenaposada, L Baumela
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 1 …, 2005
Towards robust metric reconstruction via a dynamic uncalibrated stereo head
MJ Brooks, L de Agapito, DQ Huynh, L Baumela
Image and Vision Computing 16 (14), 989-1002, 1998
Non-parametric higher-order random fields for image segmentation
P Márquez-Neila, P Kohli, C Rother, L Baumela
Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2014
A real time morphological snakes algorithm
L Alvarez, L Baumela, P Márquez-Neila, P Henríquez
Image Processing On Line 2, 1-7, 2012
A fast method for the segmentation of synaptic junctions and mitochondria in serial electron microscopic images of the brain
P Marquez Neila, L Baumela, J González-Soriano, JR Rodríguez, ...
Neuroinformatics 14, 235-250, 2016
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