Tobias Ley
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Identifying employee competencies in dynamic work domains: Methodological considerations and a case study.
T Ley, D Albert
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 9 (12), 1500-1518, 2003
Modeling competencies for supporting work-integrated learning in knowledge work
T Ley, A Ulbrich, P Scheir, SN Lindstaedt, B Kump, D Albert
Journal of Knowledge Management 12 (6), 31-47, 2008
Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning
MJ Rodríguez-Triana, LP Prieto, T Ley, T de Jong, D Gillet
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 15 (4 …, 2020
Scaling informal learning at the workplace: A model and four designs from a large‐scale design‐based research effort
T Ley, J Cook, S Dennerlein, M Kravcik, C Kunzmann, K Pata, J Purma, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (6), 1036-1048, 2014
Sustaining teacher control in a blog-based personal learning environment
V Tomberg, M Laanpere, T Ley, P Normak
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 14 (3 …, 2013
How Do People Learn at the Workplace? Investigating Four Workplace Learning Assumptions
J Kooken, T Ley, R de Hoog
Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale, 158-171, 2007
Adopting technology in schools: modelling, measuring and supporting knowledge appropriation
T Ley, K Tammets, EM Sarmiento-Márquez, J Leoste, M Hallik, ...
European Journal of Teacher Education 45 (4), 548-571, 2022
Knowledge structures for integrating working and learning: A reflection on a decade of learning technology research for workplace learning
T Ley
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (2), 331-346, 2020
Scaffolding self-directed learning with personalized learning goal recommendations
T Ley, B Kump, C Gerdenitsch
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, 75-86, 2010
Recommending knowledgeable people in a work-integrated learning system
G Beham, B Kump, T Ley, S Lindstaedt
Procedia Computer Science 1 (2), 2783-2792, 2010
Learning analytics for professional and workplace learning: A literature review
A Ruiz-Calleja, LPP Prieto, T Ley, MJ Rodríguez-Triana, S Dennerlein
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2021
A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education
K Kollom, K Tammets, M Scheffel, YS Tsai, I Jivet, PJ Muñoz-Merino, ...
The Internet and Higher Education 49, 100788, 2021
Recommending tags with a model of human categorization
P Seitlinger, D Kowald, C Trattner, T Ley
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Conceptual foundations for a service-oriented knowledge and learning architecture: Supporting content, process and ontology maturing
A Schmidt, K Hinkelmann, T Ley, S Lindstaedt, R Maier, U Riss
Networked Knowledge-Networked Media: Integrating Knowledge Management, New …, 2009
Supporting competency development in informal workplace learning
T Ley, S Lindstaedt, D Albert
Professional Knowledge Management, 189-202, 2005
Seeing what the system thinks you know: visualizing evidence in an open learner model
B Kump, C Seifert, G Beham, SN Lindstaedt, T Ley
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2012
Organizational competency management-A competence performance approach
T Ley
Shaker, Aachen, 2006
A knowledge appropriation model to connect scaffolded learning and knowledge maturation in workplace learning settings
T Ley, R Maier, S Thalmann, L Waizenegger, K Pata, A Ruiz-Calleja
Vocations and Learning 13 (1), 91-112, 2020
Teacher AI-Supported Pedagogical Actions in Collaborative Learning Coregulation: A Wizard-of-Oz Study
R Kasepalu, LP Prieto, T Ley, P Chejara
Frontiers in Education, 64, 2022
Tracing knowledge co-evolution in a realistic course setting: A wiki-based field experiment
B Kump, J Moskaliuk, S Dennerlein, T Ley
Computers & Education 69, 60-70, 2013
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