Kazuo Tsushima
Kazuo Tsushima
Professor of Physics, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID)
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Studies of nucleon resonance structure in exclusive meson electroproduction
IG Aznauryan, A Bashir, VM Braun, SJ Brodsky, VD Burkert, L Chang, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E 22 (06), 1330015, 2013
Nucleon and hadron structure changes in the nuclear medium and the impact on observables
K Saito, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 58 (1), 1-167, 2007
Resonance model study of kaon production in baryon-baryon reactions for heavy-ion collisions
K Tsushima, A Sibirtsev, AW Thomas, GQ Li
Physical Review C 59 (1), 369, 1999
Variation of hadron masses in finite nuclei
K Saito, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
Physical Review C 55 (5), 2637, 1997
Charmed mesic nuclei: Bound D and states with
K Tsushima, DH Lu, AW Thomas, K Saito, RH Landau
Physical Review C 59 (5), 2824, 1999
Baryon masses from lattice QCD: Beyond the perturbative chiral regime
DB Leinweber, AW Thomas, K Tsushima, SV Wright
Physical Review D 61 (7), 074502, 2000
Self-consistent description of finite nuclei based on a relativistic quark model
K Saito, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
Nuclear Physics A 609 (3), 339-363, 1996
On studying charm in nuclei through antiproton annihilation
A Sibirtsev, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 6, 351-359, 1999
The quark-meson coupling model for Λ, Σ and Ξ hypernuclei
K Tsushima, K Saito, J Haidenbauer, AW Thomas
Nuclear Physics A 630 (3-4), 691-718, 1998
In-medium electron-nucleon scattering
DH Lu, AW Thomas, K Tsushima, AG Williams, K Saito
Physics Letters B 417 (3-4), 217-223, 1998
Electromagnetic form factors of the bound nucleon
DH Lu, K Tsushima, AW Thomas, AG Williams, K Saito
Physical Review C 60 (6), 068201, 1999
Are η-and ω-nuclear states bound?
K Tsushima, DH Lu, AW Thomas, K Saito
Physics Letters B 443 (1-4), 26-32, 1998
In-medium kaon and antikaon properties in the quark-meson coupling model
K Tsushima, K Saito, AW Thomas, SV Wright
Physics Letters B 429 (3-4), 239-246, 1998
Binding of hypernuclei in the latest quark–meson coupling model
PAM Guichon, AW Thomas, K Tsushima
Nuclear Physics A 814 (1-4), 66-73, 2008
Nuclear-bound quarkonia and heavy-flavor hadrons
G Krein, AW Thomas, K Tsushima
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 100, 161-210, 2018
Chiral behavior of the rho meson in lattice QCD
DB Leinweber, AW Thomas, K Tsushima, SV Wright
Physical Review D 64 (9), 094502, 2001
Charmonium absorption by nucleons
A Sibirtsev, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
Physical Review C 63 (4), 044906, 2001
ρ-meson mass in light nuclei
K Saito, K Tsushima, AW Thomas
Physical Review C 56 (1), 566, 1997
The Axial exchange charge operator and the nucleon-nucleon interaction
M Kirchbach, DO Riska, K Tsushima
Nuclear Physics A 542 (4), 616-630, 1992
Study of meson properties and quark condensates in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with instanton effects
M Takizawa, K Tsushima, Y Kohyama, K Kubodera
Nuclear Physics A 507 (3-4), 611-648, 1990
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