MA Khaleel
MA Khaleel
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Georgia Tech & University of Tennessee Knoxville
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Three-dimensional thermo-fluid electrochemical modeling of planar SOFC stacks
KP Recknagle, RE Williford, LA Chick, DR Rector, MA Khaleel
Journal of Power Sources 113 (1), 109-114, 2003
Predicting failure modes and ductility of dual phase steels using plastic strain localization
X Sun, KS Choi, WN Liu, MA Khaleel
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (10), 1888-1909, 2009
High‐Energy, High‐Rate, Lithium–Sulfur Batteries: Synergetic Effect of Hollow TiO2‐Webbed Carbon Nanotubes and a Dual Functional Carbon‐Paper Interlayer
JY Hwang, HM Kim, SK Lee, JH Lee, A Abouimrane, MA Khaleel, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (1), 1501480, 2016
Probing grain boundary sink strength at the nanoscale: Energetics and length scales of vacancy and interstitial absorption by grain boundaries in -Fe
MA Tschopp, KN Solanki, F Gao, X Sun, MA Khaleel, MF Horstemeyer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (6), 064108, 2012
Effects of fusion zone size and failure mode on peak load and energy absorption of advanced high strength steel spot welds under lap shear loading conditions
X Sun, EV Stephens, MA Khaleel
Engineering Failure Analysis 15 (4), 356-367, 2008
Mechanical properties of water desalination and wastewater treatment membranes
K Wang, AA Abdalla, MA Khaleel, N Hilal, MK Khraisheh
Desalination 401, 190-205, 2017
A finite element analysis modeling tool for solid oxide fuel cell development: coupled electrochemistry, thermal and flow analysis in MARC®
MA Khaleel, Z Lin, P Singh, W Surdoval, D Collin
Journal of Power Sources 130 (1-2), 136-148, 2004
On key factors influencing ductile fractures of dual phase (DP) steels
X Sun, KS Choi, A Soulami, WN Liu, MA Khaleel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 526 (1-2), 140-149, 2009
Microstructure-based constitutive modeling of TRIP steel: Prediction of ductility and failure modes under different loading conditions
KS Choi, WN Liu, X Sun, MA Khaleel
Acta Materialia 57 (8), 2592-2604, 2009
Resistance spot welding of aluminum alloy to steel with transition material-from process to performance-part I: experimental study
X Sun, EV Stephens, MA Khaleel, H Shao, M Kimchi
Fatigue behaviors of self-piercing rivets joining similar and dissimilar sheet metals
X Sun, EV Stephens, MA Khaleel
International journal of fatigue 29 (2), 370-386, 2007
Constitutive modeling of deformation and damage in superplastic materials
MA Khaleel, HM Zbib, EA Nyberg
International Journal of Plasticity 17 (3), 277-296, 2001
Predicting plastic flow and irradiation hardening of iron single crystal with mechanism-based continuum dislocation dynamics
D Li, H Zbib, X Sun, M Khaleel
International Journal of Plasticity 52, 3-17, 2014
Influence of martensite mechanical properties on failure mode and ductility of dual-phase steels
KS Choi, WN Liu, X Sun, MA Khaleel
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 40, 796-809, 2009
PV panel single and double diode models: Optimization of the parameters and temperature dependence
N Barth, R Jovanovic, S Ahzi, MA Khaleel
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 148, 87-98, 2016
On deformation twinning in a 17.5% Mn–TWIP steel: A physically based phenomenological model
A Soulami, KS Choi, YF Shen, WN Liu, X Sun, MA Khaleel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (3), 1402-1408, 2011
Life prediction of coated and uncoated metallic interconnect for solid oxide fuel cell applications
WN Liu, X Sun, E Stephens, MA Khaleel
Journal of Power Sources 189 (2), 1044-1050, 2009
Three-phase solid oxide fuel cell anode microstructure realization using two-point correlation functions
M Baniassadi, H Garmestani, DS Li, S Ahzi, M Khaleel, X Sun
Acta materialia 59 (1), 30-43, 2011
Energetic driving force for preferential binding of self-interstitial atoms to Fe grain boundaries over vacancies
MA Tschopp, MF Horstemeyer, F Gao, X Sun, M Khaleel
Scripta Materialia 64 (9), 908-911, 2011
Analysis of a planar solid oxide fuel cell based automotive auxiliary power unit
K Keegan, M Khaleel, L Chick, K Recknagle, S Simner, J Deibler
SAE Technical Paper, 2002
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Articles 1–20