Baptiste Hemery
Baptiste Hemery
Orange Innovation
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Cited by
Unconstrained keystroke dynamics authentication with shared secret
R Giot, M El-Abed, B Hemery, C Rosenberger
Computers & security 30 (6-7), 427-445, 2011
A study of users' acceptance and satisfaction of biometric systems
M El-Abed, R Giot, B Hemery, C Rosenberger
International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 170-178, 2010
Low Cost and Usable Multimodal Biometric System Based on Keystroke Dynamics and 2D Face Recognition
R Giot, B Hemery, C Rosenberger
Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010 20th International Conference on, 1128-1131, 2010
Synthetic logs generator for fraud detection in mobile transfer services
C Gaber, B Hemery, M Achemlal, M Pasquet, P Urien
2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS …, 2013
Performance evaluation of behavioral biometric systems
F Cherifi, B Hemery, R Giot, M Pasquet, C Rosenberger
Behavioral Biometrics for Human Identification: Intelligent Applications, 57-74, 2009
Evaluation of biometric systems: A study of users’ acceptance and satisfaction
M El-Abed, R Giot, B Hemery, C Rosenberger
International Journal of Biometrics 4 (3), 265-290, 2012
No smurfs: Revealing fraud chains in mobile money transfers
M Zhdanova, J Repp, R Rieke, C Gaber, B Hemery
2014 Ninth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2014
Comparative study of metrics for evaluation of object localisation by bounding boxes.
B Hemery, H Laurent, C Rosenberger
International Conference on Image and Graphics, 459-464, 2007
The ENSIB database : a benchmark for face recognition
B Hemery, H Laurent, C Rosenberger
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA …, 2007
Towards the security evaluation of biometric authentication systems
M El-Abed, R Giot, B Hemery, JJ Schwartzmann, C Rosenberger
IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 315-320, 2012
Comparative study of localization metrics for the evaluation of image interpretation systems
B Hemery, H Laurent, B Emile, C Rosenberger
Journal of Electronic Imaging 19 (2), 023017-023017-21, 2010
Study on color spaces for single image enrolment face authentication
B Hemery, JJ Schwartzmann, C Rosenberger
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010
Face Authentication For Banking
B Hemery, J Mahier, M Pasquet, C Rosenberger
International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, 137-142, 2008
Evaluation Protocol for Localization Metrics
B Hemery, H Laurent, C Rosenberger, B Emile
International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, 273-280, 2008
Community detection for mobile money fraud detection
S El Ayeb, B Hemery, F Jeanne, E Cherrier
2020 Seventh International Conference on Social Networks Analysis …, 2020
Evaluation de la qualité de données biométriques
M El-Abed, B Hemery, C Charrier, C Rosenberger
Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Numéro spécial "Mesurer …, 2011
Evaluation metric for image understanding
B Hemery, H Laurent, C Rosenberger
International Conference on Image Processing, 4381-4384, 2009
Comparative study of local descriptors for measuring object taxonomy
B Hemery, H Laurent, B Emile, C Rosenberger
International Conference on Image and Graphics, 276-281, 2009
A SVM-based model for the evaluation of biometric sample quality
M El-Abed, R Giot, B Hemery, C Charrier, C Rosenberger
Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Workshop on Computational …, 2011
Computation evabio: A tool for performance evaluation in biometrics
J Mahier, B Hemery, M El-Abed, M El-Allam, M Bouhaddaoui, ...
International Journal of Automated Identification Technology (IJAIT), 24, 2011
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Articles 1–20