Laurence Meurant
Laurence Meurant
Université de Namur / University of Namur
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Le regard en langue des signes: anaphore en langue des signes française de Belgique (LSFB), morphologie, syntaxe, énonciation
L Meurant
Presses universitaires de Namur, 2008
Corpus LSFB
L Meurant
First Digital Open Access Corpus of Movies and Annotations of French Belgian …, 2015
Lsfb-cont and lsfb-isol: Two new datasets for vision-based sign language recognition
J Fink, B Frénay, L Meurant, A Cleve
2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2021
The Speaker’s Eye Gaze Creating deictic, anaphoric and pseudo-deictic spaces of reference
L Meurant
Sign languages: Spinning and unraveling the past, present and future. TISLR …, 2008
Mutual intelligibility among the sign languages of Belgium and the Netherlands
A Sáfár, L Meurant, T Haesenne, E Nauta, D De Weerdt, E Ormel
Linguistics 53 (2), 353-374, 2015
Should ‘uh’and ‘um’be categorized as markers of disfluency? The use of fillers in a challenging conversational context
L Degand, G Gilquin, L Meurant, AC Simon
Fluency and disfluency across languages and language varieties 4, 67, 2019
Le regard en langue des signes
L Meurant
Anaphore en langue des signes française de Belgique (LSFB): morphologie …, 2008
La reformulation en Langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB). Narration, explication, conversation
L Meurant, A Sinte
L'Information grammaticale 149, 32--44, 2016
Sign language research, uses and practices
L Meurant, A Sinte, M Van Herreweghe, M Vermeerbergen
De Gruyter Mouton/Ishara Press, 2013
Expression of time in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB)
A Sinte, L Meurant, M Van Herreweghe, M Vermeerbergen
L. Meurant, Sign language research, uses and practices, 205-235, 2013
Role shift, anaphora and discourse polyphony in Sign Language of Southern Belgium (LSFB)
L Meurant
Signs of the time. Selected papers from TISLR 8, 319-351, 2008
The use of buoys across genres in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB)
S Gabarró-López, L Meurant
COLDOC2013. La question des genres à l'écrit et à l'oral, 43-54, 2014
L'anaphore syntaxique redéfinie au regard d'une langue des signes: Etude contrastive de structures anaphoriques en français et en langue des signes belge
L Meurant
Silexicales 4, 231-244, 2004
École et surdité: Une expérience d'enseignement bilingue et inclusif
L Meurant, M Ghesquière
Presses universitaires de Namur, 2018
De la deixis en langue des signes: le regard du locuteur
L Meurant
Deixis: de l'énoncé à l'énonciation et vice-versa: Actes du colloque de …, 2005
L'envers de la broderie. Une pédagogie bilingue langue des signes de Belgique francophone-français
M Ghesquiere, L Meurant
Glottopol 27, 2016
Towards a corpus of French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) discourses
L Meurant, A Sinte
Text-Structuring: Across the Line of Speech and Writing Variation, 199-212, 2013
Using Sign language corpora as bilingual corpora for data mining. Contrastive linguistics and computer-assisted annotation
L Meurant, A Cleve, O Crasborn
7th workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages:Corpus …, 2016
When nonmanuals meet semantics and syntax: towards a practical guide for the segmentation of sign language discourse
S Gabarro-Lopez, L Meurant
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign …, 2014
Les mots se regardent: initiation à un questionnement clinique sur le langage en sciences de l'homme
JL Brackelaire, A Duval
Presses universitaires de Namur, 2006
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Articles 1–20