Marcelo Jenny
Marcelo Jenny
Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck
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Cited by
Sentiment analysis of political communication: Combining a dictionary approach with crowdcoding
M Haselmayer, M Jenny
Quality & quantity 51, 2623-2646, 2017
More than bags of words: Sentiment analysis with word embeddings
E Rudkowsky, M Haselmayer, M Wastian, M Jenny, Š Emrich, M Sedlmair
Communication Methods and Measures 12 (2-3), 140-157, 2018
Manifesto Functions: How Party Candidates View and Use Their Party’s Central Policy Document
N Eder, M Jenny, WC Müller
Electoral Studies, 2016
Die österreichischen Abgeordneten. Individuelle Präferenzen und politisches Verhalten
WC Müller, M Jenny, B Steininger, M Dolezal, W Philipp, ...
WUV Universitätsverlag, 2001
Winning over voters or fighting party comrades? Personalized constituency campaigning in Austria
N Eder, M Jenny, WC Müller
Electoral Studies 39, 316-328, 2015
Presidents of Parliament: Neutral Chairmen or Assets of the Majority?
M Jenny, WC Müller
Parliaments and majority rule in Western Europe, 326-364, 1995
The elites–masses gap in European integration
WC Müller, M Jenny, A Ecker
The Europe of Elites. A Study into the Europeanness of Europe's Political …, 2012
Legal Europeanization: comparative perspectives
WC Müller, M Bovens, JG Christensen, M Jenny, K Yesilkagit
Public Administration 88 (1), 75-87, 2010
Abgeordnete, Parteien und Koalitionspolitik. Individuelle Präferenzen und politisches Handeln im Nationalrat
WC Müller, M Jenny
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 29 (2), 137-156, 2000
Friendly fire? Negative campaigning among coalition partners
M Haselmayer, M Jenny
Research & Politics 5 (3), 2053168018796911, 2018
" Business as usual" mit getauschten Rollen oder Konflikt-statt Konsensdemokratie? Parlamentarische Beziehungen unter der ÖVP-FPÖ-Koalition
WC Müller, M Jenny
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 33 (3), 309-326, 2004
From the Europeanization of lawmaking to the Europeanization of national legal orders: The case of Austria
M Jenny, WC Müller
Public Administration 88 (1), 36-56, 2010
Die Nationalratswahl 2013: Wie Parteien, Medien und Wählerschaft zusammenwirken
S Kritzinger, WC Müller, K Schönbach
(No Title), 2014
Parteien im politischen Wettbewerb
M Jenny
Manz, 2006
How and why party position estimates from manifestos, expert, and party elite surveys diverge: A comparative analysis of the ‘left–right’and the ‘European integration’dimensions
A Ecker, M Jenny, WC Müller, K Praprotnik
Party politics 28 (3), 528-540, 2022
How women shape negativity in parliamentary speeches—a sentiment analysis of debates in the Austrian Parliament
M Haselmayer, SC Dingler, M Jenny
Parliamentary Affairs 75 (4), 867-886, 2022
Parliamentary roles of MPs in sharp and soft focus: Interviews and behavioural record compared
M Jenny, WC Müller
Parliamentary roles in modern legislatures, 145-161, 2015
Business as usual
WC Müller, M Jenny
mit getauschten Rollen oder Konflikt-statt Konsensdemokratie, 2004
Die Ausgangslage
J Aichholzer, S Kritzinger, M Jenny, K Müller, Wolfgang C., Schönbach, ...
Die Nationalratswahl 2013: Wie Parteien, Medien und Wählerschaft …, 2014
Alpine troubles: trajectories of de‐consociationalisation in Austria and Switzerland compared
L Helms, M Jenny, DM Willumsen
Swiss Political Science Review 25 (4), 381-407, 2019
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Articles 1–20