Mohammad H. (Erfan) Moghaddam
Mohammad H. (Erfan) Moghaddam
Chalmers University of Technology, and Qamcom Research and Technology AB
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Cited by
An adaptive neural network approach for automatic modulation recognition
Y Ettefagh, MH Moghaddam, S Eghbalian
2017 51st Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1-5, 2017
Statistical Study of Hardware Impairments Effect on mmWave 77 GHz FMCW Automotive Radar
MH Moghaddam, SR Aghdam, A Filippi, T Eriksson
2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), 1-6, 2020
Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Power Amplifier Nonlinearities in Communication Systems
MH Moghaddam, SR Aghdam, N Mazzali, T Eriksson
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021
Statistical Analysis of Antenna Array Systems with Perturbations in Phase, Gain and Element Positions
MH Moghaddam, SR Aghdam, T Eriksson
2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2019
An Additive Noise Modeling Technique for Accurate Statistical Study of Residual RF Hardware Impairments
MH Moghaddam, SR Aghdam, T Eriksson
2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2019
Weighted sum throughput maximisation for cooperative relay-aided multi-cell orthogonal frequency division multiple access cellular networks considering partial fairness
MH Moghaddam, K Mohamed-pour, SMH Andargoli
IET Communications 10 (7), 778-789, 2016
A Novel Low-Complexity Framework in Ultra-Wideband Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
Y Ettefagh, MH Moghaddam, S Vahidian
IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2017
A Framework for Super-Resolution of Scalable Video via Sparse Reconstruction of Residual Frames
MH Moghaddam, MJ Azizipour, S Vahidian, B Smida
Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), MILCOM 2017-2017 IEEE, 164-168, 2017
Performance investigation of video transmission based on H. 264 standard using turbo product coding and unequal error protection
MH Moghaddam, G Assarzadeh
2015 9th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP …, 2015
Resource allocation in multi-cell decode-and-forward relaying OFDMA cellular networks in the presence of multi-cell interference
MH Moghaddam, K Mohamed-pour, SMH Andargoli
2012 International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies, 198-203, 2012
Statistical Analysis of Hardware Impairments in Communication Systems
MH Moghaddam
Both transmitter and receiver IQ imbalance compensation and CFO synchronization for LDPC-coded MIMO-OFDM systems using OSTBC algorithms
MH Moghaddam, G Assarzade
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1383-1388, 2014
Radio design and spectrum access requirements and key enablers for 6G evolution
HF et al., 2023
Final models and measurements for localisation and sensing
HW et al., 2023
Initial models and measurements for localisation and sensing
HW et al., 2022
Performance investigation of joint source-channel coding of speech for Persian dialectic, using MELP vocoder and MAP decoding
A Kasaeyan, MH Moghaddam, G Assarzadeh
2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1198-1202, 2016
Price Efficiency Forecasting in Financial Markets Using Continuous-Continuous Hidden Markov Model
A Shiri, MH Moghaddam, A Rahimi-Kian, B Maham
The 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2016), 2016
Power allocation in multi-cell decode-and-forward relaying cellular networks in the presence of interference channel
MH Moghaddam, K Mohamed-pour, SMH Andargoli
6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 205-209, 2012
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Articles 1–18