Oscar Ripolles
Oscar Ripolles
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Optimization of multifocal transcranial current stimulation for weighted cortical pattern targeting from realistic modeling of electric fields
G Ruffini, MD Fox, O Ripolles, PC Miranda, A Pascual-Leone
Neuroimage 89, 216-225, 2014
Multifocal tDCS targeting the resting state motor network increases cortical excitability beyond traditional tDCS targeting unilateral motor cortex
DB Fischer, PJ Fried, G Ruffini, O Ripolles, R Salvador, J Banus, ...
Neuroimage 157, 34-44, 2017
Opportunities for guided multichannel non-invasive transcranial current stimulation in poststroke rehabilitation
B Otal, A Dutta, Á Foerster, O Ripolles, A Kuceyeski, PC Miranda, ...
Frontiers in neurology 7, 21, 2016
Real-time tessellation of terrain on graphics hardware
O Ripolles, F Ramos, A Puig-Centelles, M Chover
Computers & geosciences 41, 147-155, 2012
Agile risk management for multi‐cloud software development
V Muntés-Mulero, O Ripolles, S Gupta, J Dominiak, E Willeke, P Matthews, ...
IET Software 13 (3), 172-181, 2019
Evaluation of the electric field in the brain during transcranial direct current stimulation: a sensitivity analysis
L Santos, M Martinho, R Salvador, C Wenger, SR Fernandes, O Ripolles, ...
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Creation and control of rain in virtual environments
A Puig-Centelles, O Ripolles, M Chover
The Visual Computer 25, 1037-1052, 2009
Continuous level of detail on graphics hardware
F Ramos, M Chover, O Ripolles, C Granell
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 13th International Conference, DGCI …, 2006
ALOHA: an architectural-aware framework for deep learning at the edge
P Meloni, D Loi, G Deriu, AD Pimentel, D Sapra, B Moser, N Shepeleva, ...
Proceedings of the workshop on INTelligent embedded systems architectures …, 2018
An efficient continuous level of detail model for foliage
C Rebollo, I Remolar, M Chover, O Ripollés
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2006
Rendering continuous level-of-detail meshes by masking strips
O Ripolles, M Chover, J Gumbau, F Ramos, A Puig-Centelles
Graphical Models 71 (5), 184-195, 2009
Network-targeted non-invasive brain stimulation with multifocal tdcs
DB Fisher, P Fried, G Ruffini, O Ripolles, T Ketchabaw, E Santarnecchi, ...
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2017
Optimizing the management of continuous level of detail models on GPU
O Ripollés, M Chover
Computers & graphics 32 (3), 307-319, 2008
Airline application security in the digital economy: tackling security challenges for distributed applications in Lufthansa systems
B Somoskői, S Spahr, E Rios, O Ripolles, J Dominiak, T Cserveny, ...
Digitalization cases: how organizations rethink their business for the …, 2019
Efficient visualization of 3D models on hardware-limited portable devices
F Ramos, O Ripolles, M Chover
Multimedia tools and applications 73, 961-976, 2014
View‐Dependent Tessellation and Simulation of Ocean Surfaces
A Puig-Centelles, F Ramos, O Ripolles, M Chover, M Sbert
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 979418, 2014
Rain simulation in dynamic scenes
A Puig-Centelles, N Sunyer, O Ripolles, M Chover, M Sbert
Innovative Design and Creation of Visual Interfaces: Advancements and Trends …, 2012
Smart video sensors for 3d scene reconstruction of large infrastructures
O Ripolles, JE Simó, G Benet, R Vivó
Multimedia tools and applications 73, 977-993, 2014
A clustering framework for real-time rendering of tree foliage.
C Rebollo, I Remolar, M Chover, J Gumbau, O Ripolles
J. Comput. 2 (4), 57-67, 2007
Fast rendering of leaves
C Rebollo, J Gumbau, O Ripolles, M Chover, I Remolar
Computer Graphics and Imaging 2007, 2007
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