Christian Haddad
Christian Haddad
Department of Science & Technology Studies, University of Vienna
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Experimental heterogeneity and standardisation: stem cell products and the clinical trial process
A Webster, C Haddad, C Waldby
BioSocieties 6, 401-419, 2011
Beyond evidence versus truthiness: toward a symmetrical approach to knowledge and ignorance in policy studies
KT Paul, C Haddad
Policy Sciences 52, 299-314, 2019
Governing through cybersecurity: national policy strategies, globalized (in-) security and sociotechnical visions of the digital society
C Haddad, C Binder
Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Soziologie 44 (1), 115-134, 2019
Situating innovation policy in Mediterranean Arab countries: A research agenda for context sensitivity
C Haddad, M Benner
Research Policy 50 (7), 104273, 2021
Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic
BM Zimmermann, H Wagenaar, K Kieslich, B Prainsack, G Meyers, ...
SSM-Qualitative Research in Health 2, 100158, 2022
Unruly objects: novel innovation paths, and their regulatory challenge
C Haddad, H Chen, H Gottweis
The Global Dynamics of Regenerative Medicine: A Social Science Critique, 88-117, 2013
Imagined inclusions into a ‘green modernisation’: local politics and global visions of Morocco’s renewable energy transition
C Haddad, C Günay, S Gharib, N Komendantova
Third World Quarterly 43 (2), 393-413, 2022
The pandemic as we know it: A policy studies perspective on ignorance and nonknowledge in COVID-19 governance
KT Paul, C Haddad
Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies, 2023
Marx meets meaning: A critical encounter between historical materialism and interpretive policy analysis. A reply to Brand’s State, Context, Correspondence
KT Paul, C Haddad
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 44 (1), 46-52, 2015
Zwischen Labor und Gesellschaft: Zur Biopolitik klinischer Forschung am Menschen
C Haddad
Peter Lang, 2010
Services in the self: embodied labor and the global bioeconomy
C Haddad
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11, 1-8, 2015
Embodied values: Post-pharmaceutical health and the accumulation of surplus vitality in regenerative stem cell medicine
C Haddad
Sociologias 21 (50), 2019
Visions of renewable energy futures: co-assessing lessons for Morocco
C Günay, C Haddad, S Gharib, EM Jamea, D Zejli, N Komendantova
Austrian Institute for International Affairs, 2018
The biopolitics of innovation:(re-) articulating visions and values of research, regulation and experimentation in the making of regenerative stem cell medicine. 2016
C Haddad
Dissertation (Doctor of Philosophy)–Faculty for Social Sciences, University …, 0
Between superimposition and local initiatives: Making sense of ‘implementation gaps’ as a governance problem of antimicrobial resistance
M Jeleff, C Haddad, R Kutalek
SSM-Qualitative Research in Health 4, 100332, 2023
Vom neuen Miteinander bis zur Erschöpfung: Wie sich der Corona-Diskurs wandelte
K Kieslich, S El-Sayed, C Haddad, KT Paul, M Pot, B Prainsack, ...
The security-innovation nexus in (Geo-) political imagination
C Haddad, D Vorlíček, N Klimburg-Witjes
Geopolitics 29 (3), 741-764, 2024
A remedy for European preparedness deficits?: Deepening pharmaceuticalized security logics through the EU Health Union
C Haddad
Technopolitics and the making of Europe, 141-161, 2023
The politics of antibiotic resistance: imminent threat, global policy, and the challenge for STS
C Haddad
EASST Review 35 (4), 2016
Making sense of ‘implementation gaps’ as a governance problem of antimicrobial resistance
M Jeleff, C Haddad, R Kutalek
European Journal of Public Health 33 (Supplement_2), ckad160. 171, 2023
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