Marie Fujitani
Marie Fujitani
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
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Cited by
Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems
R Arlinghaus, J Alós, B Beardmore, K Daedlow, M Dorow, M Fujitani, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 25 (1), 1-41, 2017
Participatory adaptive management leads to environmental learning outcomes extending beyond the sphere of science
M Fujitani, A McFall, C Randler, R Arlinghaus
Science Advances 3 (6), e1602516, 2017
Tourist willingness to pay for local green hotel certification
KM Nelson, S Partelow, M Stäbler, S Graci, M Fujitani
Plos one 16 (2), e0245953, 2021
Public perception of river fish biodiversity in four European countries
S Kochalski, C Riepe, M Fujitani, Ø Aas, R Arlinghaus
Conservation Biology 33 (1), 164-175, 2019
Efficacy of lecture‐based environmental education for biodiversity conservation: a robust controlled field experiment with recreational anglers engaged in self‐organized fish …
ML Fujitani, A McFall, C Randler, R Arlinghaus
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (1), 25-33, 2016
Hand in Hand für eine nachhaltige Angelfischerei: Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen aus fünf Jahren praxisorientierter Forschung zu Fischbesatz und seinen Alternativen
R Arlinghaus, EM Cyrus, E Eschbach, M Fujitani, D Hühn, F Johnston, ...
Berichte des IGB, Heft 28/2015, 2015
Implementation of a marine reserve has a rapid but short‐lived effect on recreational angler use
ML Fujitani, EP Fenichel, J Torre, LR Gerber
Ecological Applications 22 (2), 597-605, 2012
Connecting a trophic model and local ecological knowledge to improve fisheries management: The case of Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica
A Sánchez-Jiménez, M Fujitani, D MacMillan, A Schlüter, M Wolff
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 126, 2019
Transforming the social-ecological systems framework into a knowledge exchange and deliberation tool for comanagement
S Partelow, M Fujitani, V Soundararajan, A Schlüter
Ecology and Society 24 (1), 2019
Coastal systems in transition: From a ‘natural’to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’state
I Nordhaus, DL Roelke, R Vaquer-Sunyer, C Winter
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 211, 1-5, 2018
Dysfunctional information feedbacks cause the emergence of management panaceas in social-ecological systems: The case of fish stocking in inland recreational fisheries
R Arlinghaus, C Riepe, S Theis, T Pagel, M Fujitani
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 38, 100475, 2022
What determines the behavioral intention of local-level fisheries managers to alter fish stocking practices in freshwater recreational fisheries of two European countries?
C Riepe, M Fujitani, J Cucherousset, T Pagel, M Buoro, F Santoul, ...
Fisheries Research 194, 173-187, 2017
Managing river fish biodiversity generates substantial economic benefits in four European countries
C Riepe, J Meyerhoff, M Fujitani, Ø Aas, J Radinger, S Kochalski, ...
Environmental Management 63, 759-776, 2019
Ecological and social constraints are key for voluntary investments into renewable natural resources
ML Fujitani, C Riepe, T Pagel, M Buoro, F Santoul, R Lassus, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102125, 2020
Values, beliefs, norms, and conservation-oriented behaviors toward native fish biodiversity in rivers: evidence from four European countries
C Riepe, U Liebe, M Fujitani, S Kochalski, Ø Aas, R Arlinghaus
Society & Natural Resources 34 (6), 703-724, 2021
The importance of values in predicting and encouraging environmental behavior: reflections from a Costa Rican small-scale fishery
A Sánchez-Jiménez, D MacMillan, M Wolff, A Schlüter, M Fujitani
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 543075, 2021
Analyzing potential effects of migration on coastal resource conservation in Southeastern Ghana
C Goldbach, A Schlüter, M Fujitani
Journal of environmental management 209, 475-483, 2018
Fish grabbing: Weak governance and productive waters are targets for distant water fishing
M Stäbler, J Letschert, M Fujitani, S Partelow
Plos one 17 (12), e0278481, 2022
Synthesizing ecological and human use information to understand and manage coastal change
ML Fujitani, EP Fenichel, J Torre, LR Gerber
Ocean & Coastal Management 162, 100-109, 2018
Participatory adaptive management leads to environmental learning outcomes extending beyond the sphere of science. Sci. Adv., 3, e1602516
M Fujitani, A McFall, C Randler, R Arlinghaus
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Articles 1–20