Hannes Gross
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Domain-oriented masking: Compact masked hardware implementations with arbitrary protection order
H Groß, S Mangard, T Korak
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016
Formal Verification of Masked Hardware Implementations in the Presence of Glitches
R Bloem, H Gross, R Iusupov, B Könighofer, S Mangard, J Winter
Statistical ineffective fault attacks on masked AES with fault countermeasures
C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, H Groß, S Mangard, F Mendel, R Primas
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2018: 24th International Conference on the …, 2018
Reconciling d+1 Masking in Hardware and Software.
H Gross, S Mangard
CHES 2017, 103, 2017
Suit up!--made-to-measure hardware implementations of ASCON
H Gross, E Wenger, C Dobraunig, C Ehrenhöfer
2015 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 645-652, 2015
Protecting against statistical ineffective fault attacks
J Daemen, C Dobraunig, M Eichlseder, H Gross, F Mendel, R Primas
IACR transactions on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, 508-543, 2020
Generic low-latency masking in hardware
H Groß, R Iusupov, R Bloem
IACR transactions on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, 1-21, 2018
Higher-order side-channel protected implementations of KECCAK
H Groß, D Schaffenrath, S Mangard
2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 205-212, 2017
Ascon hardware implementations and side-channel evaluation
H Gross, E Wenger, C Dobraunig, C Ehrenhöfer
Microprocessors and Microsystems 52, 470-479, 2017
A unified masking approach
H Groß, S Mangard
Journal of cryptographic engineering 8, 109-124, 2018
Privacy-aware authentication in the internet of things
H Gross, M Hölbl, D Slamanig, R Spreitzer
Cryptology and Network Security: 14th International Conference, CANS 2015 …, 2015
Concealing secrets in embedded processors designs
H Groß, M Jelinek, S Mangard, T Unterluggauer, M Werner
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 15th International Conference …, 2017
First-order masking with only two random bits
H Gross, K Stoffelen, L De Meyer, M Krenn, S Mangard
Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Theory of Implementation Security Workshop, 10-23, 2019
Concept for a security aware automatic fare collection system using HF/UHF dual band RFID transponders
L Zöscher, J Grosinger, R Spreitzer, U Muehlmann, H Gross, W Bösch
2015 45th European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 194-197, 2015
Testing and the UML. A perfect fit
HG Gross
PIONEER—a prototype for the internet of things based on an extendable EPC Gen2 RFID tag
H Gross, E Wenger, H Martín, M Hutter
Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues: 10th …, 2014
Sharing is caring—on the protection of arithmetic logic units against passive physical attacks
H Gross
Radio Frequency Identification: 11th International Workshop, RFIDsec 2015 …, 2015
Implementation of symmetric algorithms on a synthesizable 8-bit microcontroller targeting passive RFID tags
T Plos, H Groß, M Feldhofer
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 17th International Workshop, SAC 2010 …, 2011
Domain-Oriented Masking: Generically Masked Hardware Implementations
H Groß
HF/UHF dual band RFID transponders for an information-driven public transportation system
L Zöscher, R Spreitzer, H Groß, J Grosinger, U Mühlmann, D Amschl, ...
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 133 (3), 163-175, 2016
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