David Sumpter
David Sumpter
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Uppsala University
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From disorder to order in marching locusts
J Buhl, DJT Sumpter, ID Couzin, JJ Hale, E Despland, ER Miller, ...
Science 312 (5778), 1402-1406, 2006
The principles of collective animal behaviour
DJT Sumpter
Philosophical transactions of the royal society B: Biological Sciences 361 …, 2006
Collective animal behavior
DJT Sumpter
Princeton University Press, 2010
Inferring the rules of interaction of shoaling fish
JE Herbert-Read, A Perna, RP Mann, TM Schaerf, DJT Sumpter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (46), 18726-18731, 2011
Quorum decision-making facilitates information transfer in fish shoals
AJW Ward, DJT Sumpter, ID Couzin, PJB Hart, J Krause
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (19), 6948-6953, 2008
Quorum sensing, recruitment, and collective decision-making during colony emigration by the ant Leptothorax albipennis
SC Pratt, EB Mallon, DJ Sumpter, NR Franks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52, 117-127, 2002
The sustainable development oxymoron: quantifying and modelling the incompatibility of sustainable development goals
V Spaiser, S Ranganathan, RB Swain, DJT Sumpter
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 24 (6), 457-470, 2017
Fast and accurate decisions through collective vigilance in fish shoals
AJW Ward, JE Herbert-Read, DJT Sumpter, J Krause
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (6), 2312-2315, 2011
Quorum responses and consensus decision making
DJT Sumpter, SC Pratt
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B: biological sciences 364 …, 2009
Information flow, opinion polling and collective intelligence in house–hunting social insects
NR Franks, SC Pratt, EB Mallon, NF Britton, DJT Sumpter
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2002
Inherent noise can facilitate coherence in collective swarm motion
CA Yates, R Erban, C Escudero, ID Couzin, C Buhl, IG Kevrekidis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5464-5469, 2009
Consensus decision making by fish
DJT Sumpter, J Krause, R James, ID Couzin, AJW Ward
Current Biology 18 (22), 1773-1777, 2008
Phase transition between disordered and ordered foraging in Pharaoh's ants
M Beekman, DJT Sumpter, FLW Ratnieks
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (17), 9703-9706, 2001
The dynamics of virus epidemics in Varroa‐infested honey bee colonies
DJT Sumpter, SJ Martin
Journal of Animal Ecology 73 (1), 51-63, 2004
From compromise to leadership in pigeon homing
D Biro, DJT Sumpter, J Meade, T Guilford
Current biology 16 (21), 2123-2128, 2006
From nonlinearity to optimality: pheromone trail foraging by ants
DJT Sumpter, M Beekman
Animal behaviour 66 (2), 273-280, 2003
The role of competition and clustering in population dynamics
Å Brännström, DJT Sumpter
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1576), 2065-2072, 2005
Visual attention and the acquisition of information in human crowds
AC Gallup, JJ Hale, DJT Sumpter, S Garnier, A Kacelnik, JR Krebs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), 7245-7250, 2012
Solving the shepherding problem: heuristics for herding autonomous, interacting agents
D Strömbom, RP Mann, AM Wilson, S Hailes, AJ Morton, DJT Sumpter, ...
Journal of the royal society interface 11 (100), 20140719, 2014
A modelling framework for understanding social insect foraging
D Sumpter, S Pratt
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 53, 131-144, 2003
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