Shannon Claeson
Shannon Claeson
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
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Response of nutrients, biofilm, and benthic insects to salmon carcass addition
SM Claeson, JL Li, JE Compton, PA Bisson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (6), 1230-1241, 2006
Impacts of invasive riparian knotweed on litter decomposition, aquatic fungi, and macroinvertebrates
SM Claeson, CJ LeRoy, JR Barry, KA Kuehn
Biological invasions 16, 1531-1544, 2014
Field response of tadpoles to conspecific and heterospecific alarm
MJ Adams, S Claeson
Ethology 104 (11), 955-961, 1998
Eleutherodactylus guttilatus (Spotted Chirping Frog), Bufo punctatus (Red-spotted Toad), Hyla arenicolor (Canyon Tree Frog), and Rana berlandieri (Rio Grande Leopard Frog …
J Jung, R.E., S.M. Claeson, J.E. Wallace, W.C. Welbourn
Herpetological Review 32 (1), 33-34, 2001
Physical and biological responses to an alternative removal strategy of a moderate‐sized dam in Washington, USA
SM Claeson, B Coffin
River Research and Applications 32 (6), 1143-1152, 2016
Aquatic and riparian ecosystem recovery from debris flows in two western Washington streams, USA
AD Foster, SM Claeson, PA Bisson, J Heimburg
Ecology and Evolution 10 (6), 2749-2777, 2020
Evaluating headwater stream buffers: lessons learned from watershed-scale experiments in southwest Washington
PA Bisson, SM Claeson, SM Wondzell, AD Foster, A Steel
Density management in the 21st century: west side story. General Technical …, 2013
Beyond redistribution: in‐stream habitat restoration increases capacity for young‐of‐the‐year Chinook Salmon and steelhead in the Entiat River, Washington
CM Polivka, SM Claeson
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40 (2), 446-458, 2020
Passive reestablishment of riparian vegetation following removal of invasive knotweed (Polygonum)
SM Claeson, PA Bisson
Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (2), 208-218, 2013
Plant sex influences aquatic–terrestrial interactions
CJ LeRoy, JM Ramstack Hobbs, SM Claeson, J Moffett, I Garthwaite, ...
Ecosphere 11 (1), e02994, 2020
Variation in riparian and stream assemblages across the primary succession landscape of Mount St. Helens, USA
SM Claeson, CJ LeRoy, DS Finn, RH Stancheva, ER Wolfe
Freshwater Biology 66 (5), 1002-1017, 2021
Habitats and seasonality of riparian-associated millipedes in southwest Washington, USA
SM Claeson, AD Foster
Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 4 (3), 203-220, 2011
Summer flower pulses: Catkin litter processing in headwater streams [Summer flower pulses: Catkin litter processing in headwater streams]
IJ Garthwaite, A Froedin-Morgensen, SH Hartford, SM Claeson, ...
Fundamental and Applied Limnology 195 (3), 2021
Northwest Forest Plan—The first 25 years (1994–2018): Watershed condition status and trends
J Dunham, C Hirsch, S Gordon, R Flitcroft, N Chelgren, M Snyder, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-1010. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture …, 2023
Scale of monitoring influences interpretation of stream habitat restoration results for juvenile Chinook salmon
CM Polivka, RA Volking, SM Claeson, RD Hosman
US Department of Agriculture, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2019
Canopy development influences early successional stream ecosystem function but not biotic assemblages
CJ LeRoy, SM Claeson, IJ Garthwaite, MA Thompson, LJ Thompson, ...
Aquatic Sciences 85 (3), 77, 2023
The influence of weevil herbivory on leaf litter chemistry in dioecious willows
JM Ramstack Hobbs, IJ Garthwaite, L Lancaster, JA Moffett‐Dobbs, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (12), e9626, 2022
Characteristics of a New Rainbow Trout Population: Spirit Lake, Mount St. Helens Volcano, 2000–2015
TE Blackman, CM Crisafulli, SM Claeson
Ecological Responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 years after the 1980 …, 2018
Salmon and marine-derived nutrient effects on primary and secondary trophic levels
SM Claeson
Forest legacies and climate realities: spatial and temporal variation in fish populations and habitat characteristics on the Tongass National Forest, Alaska
R Flitcroft, J Munyon, S Claeson, A Johnson, M Moore, E Tucker, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-1009. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture …, 2022
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