Kazuyuki MORI
Kazuyuki MORI
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
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Immune algorithm with searching diversity and its application to resource allocation problem
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 113 (10), 872-878, 1993
Parallel search for multi-modal function optimization with diversity and learning of immune algorithm
T Fukuda, K Mori, M Tsukiyama
Artificial immune systems and their applications, 210-220, 1999
Deep reinforcement learning for joint bidding and pricing of load serving entity
H Xu, H Sun, D Nikovski, S Kitamura, K Mori, H Hashimoto
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6366-6375, 2019
Adaptive scheduling system inspired by immune system
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 1998
Immune networks using genetic algorithm for adaptive production scheduling
T Fukuda, K Mori, M Tsuklyama
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 26 (2), 353-356, 1993
Vehicle air conditioning control device
S Kitamura, H Hashimoto, K Mori, S Takahashi, S Isoda
US Patent 9,533,550, 2017
Application of an immune algorithm to multi-optimization problems
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 117 (5), 593-598, 1997
Project scheduling under partially renewable resources and resource consumption during setup operations
H Okubo, T Miyamoto, S Yoshida, K Mori, S Kitamura, Y Izui
Computers & Industrial Engineering 83, 91-99, 2015
Immunity-Based Systems and Its Applications
Y Ishida, H Hirayama, H Fujita, A Ishiguro, K Mori
Corona Publishing Co., LTD., ppl33-161, 1998
Time series forecasting method of building energy consumption using support vector regression
D Liu, Q Chen, K Mori
2015 IEEE international conference on information and automation, 1628-1632, 2015
Multiobjective energy management system using modified MOPSO
S Kitamura, K Mori, S Shindo, Y Izui, Y Ozaki
2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 4, 3497-3503, 2005
A method for detecting abnormal electricity energy consumption in buildings
D Liu, Q Chen, K Mori, Y Kida
Journal of Computational Information Systems 6 (14), 4887-4895, 2010
Artificial immunity based management system for a semiconductor production line
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …, 1997
Immunity-based management system for a semiconductor production line
T Fukuda, K Mori, M Tsukiyama
Artificial immune systems and their applications, 278-288, 1999
Application of an immune algorithm to multi‐optimization problems
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
Electrical engineering in Japan 122 (2), 30-37, 1998
Solving distributed unit commitment problem with Walrasian auction
T Miyamoto, K Mori, S Kitamura, Y Izui
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (8), 1088-1097, 2015
Modified multi-objective particle swarm optimization method and its application to energy management system for factories
S Kitamura, K Mori, S Shindo, Y Izui
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 125 (1), 21-28, 2005
Multi-optimization by immune algorithm with diversity and learning. 2nd int. conf. on multi-agent systems
K Mori, M Tsukiyama, T Fukuda
Workshop Notes on Immunity-Based Systems, 118-123, 1996
Scheduling editor for production management with human-computer cooperative systems
T Fukuda, M Tsukiyama, K Mori
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 23 (3), 179-183, 1990
Semiconductor device manufacturing line
J Iwasaki, K Mori
US Patent 6,772,032, 2004
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