Marco G. Giometto
Marco G. Giometto
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University
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Spatial characteristics of roughness sublayer mean flow and turbulence over a realistic urban surface
MG Giometto, A Christen, C Meneveau, J Fang, M Krafczyk, MB Parlange
Boundary-layer meteorology 160, 425-452, 2016
A multi-layer urban canopy meteorological model with trees (BEP-Tree): street tree impacts on pedestrian-level climate
SE Krayenhoff, T Jiang, A Christen, A Martilli, TR Oke, BN Bailey, ...
Urban Climate 32, 100590, 2020
Effects of trees on mean wind, turbulence and momentum exchange within and above a real urban environment
MG Giometto, A Christen, PE Egli, MF Schmid, RT Tooke, NC Coops, ...
Advances in Water Resources 106, 154-168, 2017
Non-equilibrium three-dimensional boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers
A Lozano-Durán, MG Giometto, GI Park, P Moin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, A20, 2020
Towards real-time simulation of turbulent air flow over a resolved urban canopy using the cumulant lattice Boltzmann method on a GPGPU
S Lenz, M Schönherr, M Geier, M Krafczyk, A Pasquali, A Christen, ...
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 189, 151-162, 2019
Volume averaging for urban canopies
MF Schmid, GA Lawrence, MB Parlange, MG Giometto
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 173, 349–372, 2019
Preferential deposition of snow and dust over hills: governing processes and relevant scales
F Comola, MG Giometto, ST Salesky, MB Parlange, M Lehning
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124, 7951-7974, 2019
Modulation of mean wind and turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer by baroclinicity
M Momen, E Bou-Zeid, MB Parlange, MG Giometto
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75, 3797-3821, 2018
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent slope flows up to Grashof number
MG Giometto, GG Katul, J Fang, MB Parlange
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 829, 589-620, 2017
Combining computational fluid dynamics and neural networks to characterize microclimate extremes: learning the complex interactions between meso-climate and urban morphology
K Javanroodi, VM Nik, MG Giometto, JL Scartezzini
Science of The Total Environment 829, 154223, 2022
Dispersive fluxes within and over a real urban canopy: a large-eddy simulation study
E Akinlabi, B Maronga, MG Giometto, D Li
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 185, 93-128, 2022
Katabatic flow: a closed-form solution with spatially-varying eddy diffusivities
MG Giometto, R Grandi, J Fang, PA Monkewitz, MB Parlange
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 162, 307-317, 2017
Comparison of dealiasing schemes in large-eddy simulation of neutrally stratified atmospheric flows
F Margairaz, MG Giometto, MB Parlange, M Calaf
Geoscientific Model Development 11, 4069-4084, 2018
Scrambling and reorientation of classical atmospheric boundary layer turbulence in hurricane winds
M Momen, MB Parlange, MG Giometto
Geophysical Research Letters 48, e2020GL091695, 2021
Three-dimensional transient channel flow at moderate Reynolds numbers: analysis and wall modeling
MG Giometto, A Lozano-Durán, GI Park, P Moin
Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs, 193-205, 2017
Deep learning for subgrid‐scale turbulence modeling in large‐eddy simulations of the convective atmospheric boundary layer
Y Cheng, MG Giometto, P Kauffmann, L Lin, C Cao, C Zupnick, H Li, Q Li, ...
AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 2022
Deep learning for subgrid‐scale turbulence modeling in large‐eddy simulations of the convective atmospheric boundary layer
Y Cheng, MG Giometto, P Kauffmann, L Lin, C Cao, C Zupnick, H Li, Q Li, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (5), e2021MS002847, 2022
Deep learning for subgrid-scale turbulence modeling in large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer
Y Cheng, MG Giometto, P Kauffmann, L Lin, C Cao, C Zupnick, H Li, Q Li, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.12125, 2019
Boundary-layer processes hindering contemporary numerical weather prediction models
M Calaf, N Vercauteren, GG Katul, MG Giometto, TJ Morrison, F Margairaz, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 186, 43-68, 2022
On the suitability of second-order accurate finite-volume solvers for the simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow
B Giacomini, MG Giometto
Geoscientific Model Development 14, 1409-1426, 2021
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