Socheleau Francois-Xavier
Socheleau Francois-Xavier
IMT Atlantique, UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICC
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The watermark benchmark for underwater acoustic modulation schemes
PA van Walree, FX Socheleau, R Otnes, T Jenserud
IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 42 (4), 1007-1018, 2017
Non data-aided SNR estimation of OFDM signals
FX Socheleau, A Aissa-El-Bey, S Houcke
IEEE communications letters 12 (11), 813-815, 2008
Stochastic replay of non-WSSUS underwater acoustic communication channels recorded at sea
FX Socheleau, C Laot, JM Passerieux
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (10), 4838-4849, 2011
Robust estimation of noise standard deviation in presence of signals with unknown distributions and occurrences
D Pastor, FX Socheleau
IEEE transactions on Signal Processing 60 (4), 1545-1555, 2012
OFDM system identification for cognitive radio based on pilot-induced cyclostationarity
FX Socheleau, P Ciblat, S Houcke
2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2009
Cognitive OFDM system detection using pilot tones second and third-order cyclostationarity
FX Socheleau, S Houcke, P Ciblat, A Aïssa-El-Bey
Signal processing 91 (2), 252-268, 2011
Characterisation of time-varying underwater acoustic communication channel with application to channel capacity
FX Socheleau, JM Passerieux, C Laot
Underwater acoustic measurements, 2009
Automated detection of Antarctic blue whale calls
FX Socheleau, E Leroy, A Carvallo Pecci, F Samaran, J Bonnel, JY Royer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (5), 3105-3117, 2015
Bayesian source localization with uncertain Green's function in an uncertain shallow water ocean
Y Le Gall, SE Dosso, FX Socheleau, J Bonnel
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (3), 993-1004, 2016
A maximum entropy framework for statistical modeling of underwater acoustic communication channels
FX Socheleau, C Laot, JM Passerieux
OCEANS'10 IEEE SYDNEY, 1-7, 2010
Robust noncooperative spectrum sharing game in underwater acoustic interference channels
A Pottier, FX Socheleau, C Laot
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 42 (4), 1019-1034, 2017
Information‐theoretic analysis of underwater acoustic OFDM systems in highly dispersive channels
FX Socheleau, M Stojanovic, C Laot, JM Passerieux
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2012 (1), 716720, 2012
Concise derivation of scattering function from channel entropy maximization
FX Socheleau, C Laot, JM Passerieux
IEEE transactions on communications 58 (11), 3098-3103, 2010
Matched-field processing performance under the stochastic and deterministic signal models
Y Le Gall, FX Socheleau, J Bonnel
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (22), 5825-5838, 2014
Achievable rates over doubly selective Rician-fading channels under peak-power constraint
JM Passerieux, FX Socheleau, C Laot
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (2), 586-594, 2013
Parametric replay-based simulation of underwater acoustic communication channels
FX Socheleau, C Laot, JM Passerieux
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 40 (4), 796-806, 2015
Random distortion testing with linear measurements
D Pastor, FX Socheleau
Signal Processing 145, 116-126, 2018
On the capacity of the underwater acoustic communication channel under realistic assumptions
JM Passerieux, FX Socheleau, C Laot
17th European Wireless 2011-Sustainable Wireless Technologies, 1-6, 2011
Robust statistics based noise variance estimation: Application to wideband interception of noncooperative communications
FX Socheleau, D Pastor, A Aïssa-El-Bey
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 47 (1), 746-755, 2011
Stochastic replay of SIMO underwater acoustic communication channels
FX Socheleau, A Pottier, C Laot
OCEANS 2015-MTS/IEEE Washington, 1-6, 2015
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Articles 1–20