Katrina Falkner
Katrina Falkner
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide
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{FLUSH+ RELOAD}: A high resolution, low noise, l3 cache {Side-Channel} attack
Y Yarom, K Falkner
23rd USENIX security symposium (USENIX security 14), 719-732, 2014
Systematic literature review: Self-Regulated Learning strategies using e-learning tools for Computer Science
R Garcia, K Falkner, R Vivian
Computers & Education 123, 150-163, 2018
Addressing the challenges of a new digital technologies curriculum: MOOCs as a scalable solution for teacher professional development
R Vivian, K Falkner, N Falkner
Co-Action Publishing, 2014
Amplifying side channels through performance degradation
T Allan, BB Brumley, K Falkner, J Van de Pol, Y Yarom
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications …, 2016
The Australian digital technologies curriculum: challenge and opportunity
K Falkner, R Vivian, N Falkner
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference …, 2014
Computational thinking, the notional machine, pre-service teachers, and research opportunities
M Bower, K Falkner
Proceedings of the 17th Australasian computing education conference (ACE …, 2015
Identifying computer science self-regulated learning strategies
K Falkner, R Vivian, NJG Falkner
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer …, 2014
Kriging interpolation on high-performance computers
KE Kerry, KA Hawick
High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1998
Engineering security into distributed systems: A survey of methodologies
A Uzunov, E Fernandez, K Falkner
Springer, 2012
DISCWorld: an environment for service-based matacomputing
KA Hawick, HA James, AJ Silis, DA Grove, CJ Patten, JA Mathew, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 15 (5-6), 623-635, 1999
A comprehensive text analysis of lecture slides to generate concept maps
T Atapattu, K Falkner, N Falkner
Computers & Education 115, 96-113, 2017
Securing distributed systems using patterns: A survey
AV Uzunov, EB Fernandez, K Falkner
Computers & Security 31 (5), 681-703, 2012
Broadening participation not border protection: How universities can support women in computer science
D Michell, A Szorenyi, K Falkner, C Szabo
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 39 (4), 406-422, 2017
An international comparison of k-12 computer science education intended and enacted curricula
K Falkner, S Sentance, R Vivian, S Barksdale, L Busuttil, E Cole, C Liebe, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Koli calling international conference on computing …, 2019
A systematic review on literature-based discovery: general overview, methodology, & statistical analysis
M Thilakaratne, K Falkner, T Atapattu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (6), 1-34, 2019
Gender gap in academia: perceptions of female computer science academics
K Falkner, C Szabo, D Michell, A Szorenyi, S Thyer
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM conference on innovation and technology in …, 2015
Implementing asynchronous remote method invocation in Java
KEK Falkner, PD Coddington, MJ Oudshoorn
Proc. the Parallel and Real-Time Systems Conference, 1999
Detecting cognitive engagement using word embeddings within an online teacher professional development community
T Atapattu, M Thilakaratne, R Vivian, K Falkner
Computers & Education 140, 103594, 2019
Increasing the effectiveness of automated assessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units
N Falkner, R Vivian, D Piper, K Falkner
Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2014
Towards a socio-ecological framework to address gender inequity in computer science
D Michell, C Szabo, K Falkner, A Szorenyi
Computers & Education 126, 324-333, 2018
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