Sarina Macfadyen
Sarina Macfadyen
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Predicting the effects of climate change on natural enemies of agricultural pests
LJ Thomson, S Macfadyen, AA Hoffmann
Biological control 52 (3), 296-306, 2010
A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming systems on arthropod diversity within fields and across agricultural landscapes
EM Lichtenberg, CM Kennedy, C Kremen, P Batary, F Berendse, ...
Global change biology 23 (11), 4946-4957, 2017
Do differences in food web structure between organic and conventional farms affect the ecosystem service of pest control?
S Macfadyen, R Gibson, A Polaszek, RJ Morris, PG Craze, R Planqué, ...
Ecology letters 12 (3), 229-238, 2009
Plant diversity and land use under organic and conventional agriculture: a whole‐farm approach
RH Gibson, S Pearce, RJ Morris, WOC Symondson, J Memmott
Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (4), 792-803, 2007
Edges in agricultural landscapes: species interactions and movement of natural enemies
S Macfadyen, W Muller
PloS one 8 (3), e59659, 2013
Networking agroecology: integrating the diversity of agroecosystem interactions
DA Bohan, A Raybould, C Mulder, G Woodward, A Tamaddoni-Nezhad, ...
Advances in ecological research 49, 1-67, 2013
Broad spectrum pesticide application alters natural enemy communities and may facilitate secondary pest outbreaks
MP Hill, S Macfadyen, MA Nash
PeerJ 5, e4179, 2017
Assessing the impact of arthropod natural enemies on crop pests at the field scale
S Macfadyen, AP Davies, MP Zalucki
Insect science 22 (1), 20-34, 2015
Do predators aggregate in response to pest density in agroecosystems? Assessing within‐field spatial patterns
S Pearce, MP Zalucki
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (1), 128-140, 2006
From species distributions to climate change adaptation: knowledge gaps in managing invertebrate pests in broad-acre grain crops
S Macfadyen, G McDonald, MP Hill
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 253, 208-219, 2018
The role of food retailers in improving resilience in global food supply
S Macfadyen, JM Tylianakis, DK Letourneau, TG Benton, P Tittonell, ...
Global Food Security 7, 1-8, 2015
Managing ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes: are the solutions the same?
S Macfadyen, SA Cunningham, AC Costamagna, NA Schellhorn
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (3), 690-694, 2012
Networking Our Way to Better Ecosystem Service Provision
Q Consortium
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2016
Connecting scales: Achieving in‐field pest control from areawide and landscape ecology studies
NA Schellhorn, HR Parry, S Macfadyen, Y Wang, MP Zalucki
Insect Science 22 (1), 35-51, 2015
Parasitoid control of aphids in organic and conventional farming systems
S Macfadyen, R Gibson, L Raso, D Sint, M Traugott, J Memmott
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 133 (1-2), 14-18, 2009
Managing ecosystem services in broadacre landscapes: what are the appropriate spatial scales?
NA Schellhorn, S Macfadyen, FJJA Bianchi, DG Williams, MP Zalucki
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48 (12), 1549-1559, 2008
Early-season movement dynamics of phytophagous pest and natural enemies across a native vegetation-crop ecotone
S Macfadyen, J Hopkinson, H Parry, MJ Neave, F Bianchi, MP Zalucki, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 200, 110-118, 2015
Cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in East African farming landscapes: a review of the factors determining abundance
S Macfadyen, C Paull, LM Boykin, P De Barro, MN Maruthi, M Otim, ...
Bulletin of Entomological Research 108 (5), 565-582, 2018
Understanding niche shifts: using current and historical data to model the invasive redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor
MP Hill, AA Hoffmann, S Macfadyen, PA Umina, J Elith
Diversity and Distributions 18 (2), 191-203, 2012
Crop domestication and the disruption of species interactions
S Macfadyen, DA Bohan
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (2), 116-125, 2010
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