Erno T. Tornikoski
Erno T. Tornikoski
Professor & Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Exeter Business School
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a test of the theory of planned behaviour
T Kautonen, M Van Gelderen, ET Tornikoski
Applied economics 45 (6), 697-707, 2013
Exploring the determinants of organizational emergence: A legitimacy perspective
ET Tornikoski, SL Newbert
Journal of business venturing 22 (2), 311-335, 2007
Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: the impact of perceived age norms
T Kautonen, ET Tornikoski, E Kibler
Small business economics 37, 219-234, 2011
Influence of work history on entrepreneurial intentions in ‘prime age’and ‘third age’: A preliminary study
T Kautonen, S Luoto, ET Tornikoski
International small business journal 28 (6), 583-601, 2010
Critical reflections – The Theory of Planned Behaviour: An interview with Icek Ajzen with implications for entrepreneurship research
E Tornikoski, A Maalaoui
International Small Business Journal, 2019
Exploring the evolution of supporter networks in the creation of new organizations
SL Newbert, ET Tornikoski, NR Quigley
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (2), 281-298, 2013
Development of entrepreneurial intention in higher education and the effect of gender–a latent growth curve analysis
S Joensuu, A Viljamaa, E Varamäki, E Tornikoski
Education + Training 55 (8/9), 781-803, 2013
Resource Acquisition in the Emergence Phase: Considering the Effects of Embeddedness and Resource Dependence
SL Newbert, ET Tornikoski
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37 (2), 249-280, 2013
The development of entrepreneurial potential among higher education students
E Varamäki, S Joensuu, E Tornikoski, A Viljamaa
Journal of small business and enterprise development 22 (3), 563-589, 2015
Supporter networks and network growth: a contingency model of organizational emergence
SL Newbert, ET Tornikoski
Small Business Economics 39 (1), 141-159, 2012
Perceived uncertainty and behavioral logic: Temporality and unanticipated consequences in the new venture creation process
Y Jiang, ET Tornikoski
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (1), 23-40, 2019
Entrepreneurial commitment and new venture creation: a conceptual exploration
A Fayolle, O Basso, ET Tornikoski
Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation, 160, 2011
Le rôle de l'âge dans l'intention entrepreneuriale -Quelles leçons sur les seniors?
ET Tornikoski, T Kautonen, S Le Loarne
Revue française de gestion, 95-109, 2012
Enterprise as sunset career? Entrepreneurial intentions in the ageing population
ET Tornikoski, T Kautonen
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 8 (2), 278-291, 2009
Survival and Growth Patterns among New Technology‐Based Firms: Empirical Study of Cohort 2006 in Sweden
H Rannikko, ET Tornikoski, A Isaksson, H Lösten
Journal of Small Business Management, 2019
Technology‐based competitive advantages of young entrepreneurial firms: Conceptual development and empirical exploration
ET Tornikoski, H Rannikko, TP Heimonen
Journal of Small Business Management 55 (2), 200-215, 2017
Legitimating behaviors and firm emergence: a resource dependence perspective
E Tornikoski
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 5 (2), 121-138, 2009
Timely creation of new organizations: The imprinting effects of entrepreneurs' initial founding decisions
ET Tornikoski, M Renko
M@n@gement 17 (3), 145-165, 2014
The formation of environmentally friendly intentions of sme owner-managers in an emerging country: The case of Tunisian’s textile–clothing industry
A Tounés, ET Tornikoski, F Gribaa
Organization & Environment 32 (4), 528-554, 2019
Entrepreneurial intentions among higher education students in Finland and Spain: Developing and piloting a survey instrument
E Varamäki, E Tornikoski, S Joensuu, K Ristimäki, A Blesa, M Ripolles
Economics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 759-775, 2015
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