Augusto Valeriani
Augusto Valeriani
Full Professor, Università di Bologna
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Accidental exposure to politics on social media as online participation equalizer in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom
A Valeriani, C Vaccari
New media & society 18 (9), 1857-1874, 2016
Political expression and action on social media: Exploring the relationship between lower-and higher-threshold political activities among Twitter users in Italy
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, R Bonneau, JT Jost, J Nagler, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20 (2), 221-239, 2015
Follow the leader! Direct and indirect flows of political communication during the 2013 Italian general election campaign
C Vaccari, A Valeriani
New media & society 17 (7), 1025-1042, 2015
‘Fake news’ is the invention of a liar: How false information circulates within the hybrid news system
F Giglietto, L Iannelli, A Valeriani, L Rossi
Current sociology 67 (4), 625-642, 2019
Of echo chambers and contrarian clubs: Exposure to political disagreement among German and Italian users of Twitter
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, JT Jost, J Nagler, JA Tucker
Social media+ society 2 (3), 2056305116664221, 2016
Social media and political communication. A survey of Twitter users during the 2013 Italian general election
C Vaccari, A Valeriani, P Barberá, R Bonneau, JT Jost, J Nagler, J Tucker
Rivista italiana di scienza politica 43 (3), 381-410, 2013
Political talk on mobile instant messaging services: A comparative analysis of Germany, Italy, and the UK
A Valeriani, C Vaccari
Information, Communication & Society 21 (11), 1715-1731, 2018
Outside the bubble: Social media and political participation in western democracies
C Vaccari, A Valeriani
Oxford University Press, 2021
Party campaigners or citizen campaigners? How social media deepen and broaden party-related engagement
C Vaccari, A Valeriani
The International Journal of Press/Politics 21 (3), 294-312, 2016
Digital political talk and political participation: Comparing established and third wave democracies
C Vaccari, A Valeriani
Sage Open 8 (2), 2158244018784986, 2018
An internet-fuelled party? The Movimento 5 Stelle and the web
L Mosca, C Vaccari, A Valeriani
Beppe Grillo's five star movement, 127-151, 2016
Remixing the spring! Connective leadership and the read-write practices in the 2011 Arab uprisings
D Della Ratta, A Valeriani
Communication rights and social justice. Historical accounts of …, 2014
Citizens’ engagement with popularization and with populist actors on Facebook: A study on 52 leaders in 18 Western democracies
D Ceccobelli, M Quaranta, A Valeriani
European Journal of Communication 35 (5), 435-452, 2020
Twitter Factor: Come i nuovi media cambiano la politica internazionale
A Valeriani
Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, 2012
Social media, personalisation of news reporting, and media systems’ polarisation in Europe
P Barberá, C Vaccari, A Valeriani
Social media and European politics: Rethinking power and legitimacy in the …, 2017
Diverging patterns of interaction around news on social media: Insularity and partisanship during the 2018 Italian election campaign
F Giglietto, A Valeriani, N Righetti, G Marino
Disinformation and Data Lockdown on Social Platforms, 80-99, 2021
Bridges of the Revolution Linking People, Sharing Information, and Remixing Practices
A Valeriani
Sociologica, 1-28, 2011
Dual screening, public service broadcasting, and political participation in eight western democracies
C Vaccari, A Valeriani
The international journal of press/politics 23 (3), 367-388, 2018
Mapping italian news media political coverage in the lead-up to 2018 general election
F Giglietto, L Iannelli, L Rossi, A Valeriani, N Righetti, F Carabini, ...
Available at SSRN 3179930, 2018
Il giornalismo arabo
A Valeriani
Carocci, 2005
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