Weizhen Xie
Weizhen Xie
University of Maryland; National Institutes of Health
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Working Memory Capacity Predicts Individual Differences in Social Distancing Compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.
W Xie, S Campbell, W Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Clarifying the role of psychological pain in the risks of suicidal ideation and suicidal acts among patients with major depressive episodes
H Li, W Xie, X Luo, R Fu, C Shi, X Ying, N Wang, Q Yin, X Wang
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 44 (1), 78-88, 2014
Anhedonia and pain avoidance in the suicidal mind: behavioral evidence for motivational manifestations of suicidal ideation in patients with major depressive disorder
W Xie, H Li, X Luo, R Fu, X Ying, N Wang, Q Yin, Y Zou, Y Cui, X Wang, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 70 (7), 681-692, 2014
Familiarity increases the number of remembered Pokémon in visual short-term memory
W Xie, W Zhang
Memory & cognition 45, 677-689, 2017
Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe
W Xie, WA Bainbridge, S Inati, CI Baker, KA Zaghloul
Nature Human Behaviour, 2020
Negative emotion enhances mnemonic precision and subjective feelings of remembering in visual long-term memory
W Xie, W Zhang
Cognition 166, 73-83, 2017
Effects of sleep duration on neurocognitive development in early adolescents in the USA: a propensity score matched, longitudinal, observational study
FN Yang, W Xie, Z Wang
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 6 (10), 705-712, 2022
Negative emotion boosts quality of visual working memory representation.
W Xie, W Zhang
Emotion 16 (5), 760-774, 2016
Poor sleep quality and compromised visual working memory capacity.
W Xie, A Berry, C Lustig, P Deldin, W Zhang
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society., 2019
Familiarity Speeds Up Visual Short-term Memory Consolidation: Electrophysiological Evidence from Contralateral Delay Activities
W Xie, W Zhang
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018
Clinical utility and lifespan profiling of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
RCK Chan, W Xie, F Geng, Y Wang, SSY Lui, C Wang, X Yu, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 42 (3), 560-570, 2016
Distinct processing of social and monetary rewards in late adolescents with trait anhedonia.
RCK Chan, Z Li, K Li, Y Zeng, W Xie, C Yan, EFC Cheung, Z Jin
Neuropsychology 30 (3), 274-280, 2016
Domain-specific hedonic deficits towards social affective but not monetary incentives in social anhedonia
W Xie, C Yan, X Ying, S Zhu, H Shi, Y Wang, EFC Cheung, RCK Chan
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4056, 2014
Familiarity speeds up visual short-term memory consolidation.
W Xie, W Zhang
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2017
Filial piety and traditional Chinese values: A study of high and mass cultures
DYF Ho, W Xie, X Liang, L Zeng
PsyCh journal 1 (1), 40-55, 2012
Dissociations of the number and precision of visual short-term memory representations in change detection
W Xie, W Zhang
Memory and Cognition, 2017
Mood-dependent retrieval in visual long-term memory: dissociable effects on retrieval probability and mnemonic precision
W Xie, W Zhang
Cognition and Emotion 32 (4), 674-690, 2018
The influence of emotion on face processing
W Xie, W Zhang
Cognition and Emotion 30 (2), 245-257, 2016
Schizotypy is Associated with Reduced Mnemonic Precision in Visual Working Memory
W Xie, M Cappiello, H Park, P Deldin, RCK Chan, W Zhang
Schizophrenia Research 193, 91-97, 2018
Negative Emotion Reduces Visual Working Memory Recall Variability: A Meta-analytical Review
W Xie, C Ye, W Zhang
Emotion, 2022
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