Ownership types and strategic groups in an emerging economy MW Peng, J Tan, TW Tong Journal of Management Studies 41 (7), 1105-1129, 2004 | 464 | 2004 |
An integrated model of knowledge transfer from MNC parent to China subsidiary P Wang, TW Tong, CP Koh Journal of World Business 39 (2), 168-182, 2004 | 440 | 2004 |
International joint ventures and the value of growth options TW Tong, JJ Reuer, MW Peng Academy of Management Journal 51 (5), 1014-1029, 2008 | 402 | 2008 |
A signaling theory of acquisition premiums: Evidence from IPO targets JJ Reuer, TW Tong, CW Wu Academy of Management Journal 55 (3), 667-683, 2012 | 330 | 2012 |
How much does subnational region matter to foreign subsidiary performance? Evidence from Fortune Global 500 Corporations’ investment in China X Ma, TW Tong, M Fitza Journal of International Business Studies 44, 66-87, 2013 | 293 | 2013 |
Real options in international joint ventures JJ Reuer, TW Tong Journal of Management 31 (3), 403-423, 2005 | 281 | 2005 |
Real options in multinational corporations: Organizational challenges and risk implications TW Tong, JJ Reuer Journal of International Business Studies 38, 215-230, 2007 | 276 | 2007 |
Governance and design of digital platforms: A review and future research directions on a meta-organization L Chen, TW Tong, S Tang, N Han Journal of Management 48 (1), 147-184, 2022 | 262 | 2022 |
Patent regime shift and firm innovation: Evidence from the second amendment to China’s patent law TW Tong, W He, ZL He, J Lu Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 14174, 2014 | 230 | 2014 |
Real options and investment mode: Evidence from corporate venture capital and acquisition TW Tong, Y Li Organization Science 22 (3), 659-674, 2011 | 194 | 2011 |
Platform governance matters: How platform gatekeeping affects knowledge sharing among complementors Y Zhang, J Li, TW Tong Strategic Management Journal 43 (3), 599-626, 2022 | 192 | 2022 |
How anticipated employee mobility affects acquisition likelihood: Evidence from a natural experiment KA Younge, TW Tong, L Fleming Strategic Management Journal 36 (5), 686-708, 2015 | 178 | 2015 |
Platform governance design in platform ecosystems: Implications for complementors’ multihoming decision L Chen, J Yi, S Li, TW Tong Journal of Management 48 (3), 630-656, 2022 | 141 | 2022 |
Expatriate utilization and foreign direct investment performance: The mediating role of knowledge transfer S Wang, TW Tong, G Chen, H Kim Journal of Management 35 (5), 1181-1206, 2009 | 140 | 2009 |
How much does country matter? An analysis of firms’ growth options TW Tong, TM Alessandri, JJ Reuer, A Chintakananda Journal of International Business Studies 39, 387-405, 2008 | 140 | 2008 |
Multinationality and downside risk: The roles of option portfolio and organization R Belderbos, TW Tong, S Wu Strategic Management Journal 35 (1), 88-106, 2014 | 135 | 2014 |
Real options in strategic management TW Tong, JJ Reuer Real Options Theory (Advances in Strategic Management) 24, 3-28, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Constructing a Chinese patent database of listed firms in China: Descriptions, lessons, and insights ZL He, TW Tong, Y Zhang, W He Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 27 (3), 579-606, 2018 | 116 | 2018 |
A database linking Chinese patents to China’s census firms ZL He, TW Tong, Y Zhang, W He Natue Scientific Data 5 (1), 1-16, 2018 | 112 | 2018 |
Discovering valuable growth opportunities: An analysis of equity alliances with IPO firms JJ Reuer, TW Tong Organization Science 21 (1), 202-215, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |