Nicolas Aragon
Nicolas Aragon
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Université de Limoges
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BIKE: bit flipping key encapsulation
N Aragon, P Barreto, S Bettaieb, L Bidoux, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, ...
Hamming quasi-cyclic (HQC)
CA Melchor, N Aragon, S Bettaieb, L Bidoux, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, ...
NIST PQC Round 2 (4), 13, 2018
Durandal: a rank metric based signature scheme
N Aragon, O Blazy, P Gaborit, A Hauteville, G Zémor
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2019: 38th Annual International Conference …, 2019
A new algorithm for solving the rank syndrome decoding problem
N Aragon, P Gaborit, A Hauteville, JP Tillich
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2421-2425, 2018
Low rank parity check codes: New decoding algorithms and applications to cryptography
N Aragon, P Gaborit, A Hauteville, O Ruatta, G Zémor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (12), 7697-7717, 2019
Rank quasi-cyclic (RQC)
CA Melchor, N Aragon, S Bettaieb, L Bidoux, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, ...
N Aragon, P Barreto, S Bettaieb, L Bidoux, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, ...
NIST Round 1, 33, 2019
LRPC codes with multiple syndromes: near ideal-size KEMs without ideals
C Aguilar-Melchor, N Aragon, V Dyseryn, P Gaborit, G Zémor
International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, 45-68, 2022
A key recovery attack against LRPC using decryption failures
N Aragon, P Gaborit
Coding and Cryptography, International Workshop, WCC 2019, 2019
HQC-RMRS, an instantiation of the HQC encryption framework with a more efficient auxiliary error-correcting code
N Aragon, P Gaborit, G Zémor
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10741, 2020
LowMS: a new rank metric code-based KEM without ideal structure
N Aragon, V Dyseryn, P Gaborit, P Loidreau, J Renner, A Wachter-Zeh
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 92 (4), 1075-1093, 2024
Cryptanalysis of a code-based full-time signature
N Aragon, M Baldi, JC Deneuville, K Khathuria, E Persichetti, P Santini
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89, 2097-2112, 2021
Analysis of the security of the PSSI problem and cryptanalysis of the Durandal signature scheme
N Aragon, V Dyseryn, P Gaborit
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 127-149, 2023
Cryptanalysis of a rank-based signature with short public keys
N Aragon, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, P Gaborit, TSC Lau, CH Tan, ...
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88, 643-653, 2020
Constant time algorithms for ROLLO-I-128
C Aguilar-Melchor, N Aragon, E Bellini, F Caullery, RH Makarim, ...
SN Computer Science 2, 1-19, 2021
Ouroboros: an efficient and provably secure KEM family
N Aragon, O Blazy, JC Deneuville, P Gaborit, G Zémor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (9), 6233-6244, 2022
MIRA: a Digital Signature Scheme based on the MinRank problem and the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm
N Aragon, L Bidoux, JJ Chi-Domínguez, T Feneuil, P Gaborit, R Neveu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.08575, 2023
The rank-based cryptography library
N Aragon, S Bettaieb, L Bidoux, Y Connan, J Coulaud, P Gaborit, ...
Code-Based Cryptography Workshop, 22-41, 2021
BIKE Key-Recovery: Combining Power Consumption Analysis and Information-Set Decoding
A Cheriere, N Aragon, T Richmond, B Gérard
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 725-748, 2023
Fast and secure key generation for low rank parity check codes cryptosystems
C Aguilar-Melchor, N Aragon, V Dyseryn, P Gaborit
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1260-1265, 2021
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Artikel 1–20