Dr. Amlan Kar
Dr. Amlan Kar
Other namesAmlan Kar, A Kar
Scientist-II/Lecturer, SDSMT, USA
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Cited by
Two-pass friction stir welding of aluminum alloy to titanium alloy: a simultaneous improvement in mechanical properties
A Kar, S Suwas, SV Kailas
Materials Science and Engineering: A 733, 199-210, 2018
Effect of niobium interlayer in dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum to titanium
A Kar, SK Choudhury, S Suwas, SV Kailas
Materials Characterization 145, 402-412, 2018
Role of plastic deformation mechanisms during the microstructural evolution and intermetallics formation in dissimilar friction stir weld
A Kar, D Yadav, S Suwas, SV Kailas
Materials Characterization 164, 110371, 2020
Multi-length scale characterization of microstructure evolution and its consequence on mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welding of titanium to aluminum
A Kar, S Suwas, SV Kailas
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 5153-5173, 2019
Elucidation of interfacial microstructure and properties in friction stir lap welding of aluminium alloy and mild steel
A Kar, B Vicharapu, Y Morisada, H Fujii
Materials Characterization 168, 110572, 2020
Significance of tool offset and copper interlayer during friction stir welding of aluminum to titanium
A Kar, S Suwas, SV Kailas
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, 435-443, 2019
Effect of mechanical mixing in dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum to titanium with zinc interlayer
A Kar, SV Kailas, S Suwas
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 72 (6), 1533–1536, 2019
Effect of aluminium on microstructure, mechanical property and texture evolution of dual phase Mg-8Li alloy in different processing conditions
BS Pugazhendhi, A Kar, K Sinnaeruvadi, S Suwas
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 18, 1332-1344, 2018
Formation sequence of intermetallics and kinetics of reaction layer growth during solid state reaction between titanium and aluminum
A Kar, SV Kailas, S Suwas
Materialia 11, 100702, 2020
A new method to elucidate fracture mechanism and microstructure evolution in titanium during dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum and titanium
A Kar, S Malopheyev, S Mironov, R Kaibyshev, S Suwas, SV Kailas
Materials Characterization 171, 110791, 2021
A review of solid-state additive manufacturing processes
S Kumar, A Kar
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 6 (4), 955-973, 2021
Effect of zinc interlayer in microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welding of aluminum to titanium
A Kar, SV Kailas, S Suwas
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27, 6016-6026, 2018
Enhancement of microstructure, micro-texture, and mechanical properties of Al6061 friction stir welds using the developed static shoulder welding tool
AS Sundar, A Kar, KK Mugada, A Kumar
Materials Characterization 203, 113148, 2023
Microstructural modification and high-temperature grain stability of aluminum in an aluminum-titanium friction stir weld with zinc interlayer
A Kar, S Suwas, SV Kailas
JOM 71, 444-451, 2019
A critical review on recent advancements in aluminium-based metal matrix composites
A Kar, A Sharma, S Kumar
Crystals 14 (5), 412, 2024
Mechanism of variation in high-temperature grain stability of aluminum in dissimilar friction stir welds
A Kar, SV Kailas, S Suwas
Materials Performance and Characterization 9 (2), 262-271, 2020
Texture and microstructure evolution during single-point incremental forming of commercially pure titanium
S Mishra, KU Yazar, A Kar, R Lingam, NV Reddy, O Prakash, S Suwas
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52, 151-166, 2021
Effect of tool rotational speed and mechanisms associated with microstructure evolution and intermetallics formation in friction stir welding of aluminum alloy to titanium alloy
A Kar, K Singh, L Kumar
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33 (13), 6748-6759, 2024
Mechanisms associated with material deformation, and microstructural evolution during friction stir welding of pure titanium and Al alloy
A Kar, S Kumar, K Singh
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 28 (8), 662-671, 2023
Friction stir welding of aluminum to titanium: Quest for optimum tool-offset, deformation of titanium, and mechanism of joint formation
A Kar, SV Kailas, S Suwas
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 128 (5-6 …, 2023
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Articles 1–20