Christian Kloimüllner
Christian Kloimüllner
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Cited by
Balancing bicycle sharing systems: an approach for the dynamic case
C Kloimüllner, P Papazek, B Hu, GR Raidl
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation: 14th European …, 2014
PILOT, GRASP, and VNS approaches for the static balancing of bicycle sharing systems
M Rainer-Harbach, P Papazek, GR Raidl, B Hu, C Kloimüllner
Journal of Global Optimization 63, 597-629, 2015
Full‐load route planning for balancing bike sharing systems by logic‐based benders decomposition
C Kloimüllner, GR Raidl
Networks 69 (3), 270-289, 2017
Kara: A System for Visualising and Visual Editing of Interpretations for Answer-Set Programs
C Kloimüllner, J Oetsch, J Pührer, H Tompits
International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and …, 2011
A cluster-first route-second approach for balancing bicycle sharing systems
C Kloimüllner, P Papazek, B Hu, GR Raidl
Computer Aided Systems Theory–EUROCAST 2015: 15th International Conference …, 2015
Balancing bicycle sharing systems: an analysis of path relinking and recombination within a GRASP hybrid
P Papazek, C Kloimüllner, B Hu, GR Raidl
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 792-801, 2014
Hierarchical clustering and multilevel refinement for the bike-sharing station planning problem
C Kloimüllner, GR Raidl
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 11th International Conference, LION …, 2017
Districting and routing for security control
M Prischink, C Kloimüllner, B Biesinger, GR Raidl
Hybrid Metaheuristics: 10th International Workshop, HM 2016, Plymouth, UK …, 2016
Semi-automated location planning for urban bike-sharing systems
M Strauba, C Rudloffa, A Grasera, C Kloimüllnerb, GR Raidlb, ...
Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018), 1-10, 2018
Efficient consideration of soft time windows in a large neighborhood search for the districting and routing problem for security control
BM Kim, C Kloimüllner, GR Raidl
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 17th European …, 2017
A Novel Approach for Solving Large-Scale Bike Sharing Station Planning Problems
C Kloimüllner, GR Raidl
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 13th International Conference, LION …, 2020
Algorithmic approaches for Optimization problems in bike sharing and security control
C Kloimüllner
Technische Universität Wien, 2019
" Offizielle" elektronische Version der Publikation (entsprechend ihrem Digital Object Identifier-DOI)
C Kloimüllner, P Papazek, B Hu, G Raidl
Networks 69 (3), 270-289, 2017
" Offizielle" elektronische Version der Publikation (entsprechend ihrem Digital Object Identifier-DOI)
M Rainer-Harbach, P Papazek, G Raidl, B Hu, C Kloimüllner
Journal of Global Optimization (eingeladen), 1-33, 2014
Balancing Bicycle Sharing Systems
C Kloimüllner, P Papazek, B Hu, G Raidl
Visualisation and Graphical Editing of Answer Sets-the Kara System: An Advanced Approach
C Kloimüllner
Akad.-Verlag, 2013
Visualisation and graphical editing of answer sets: the Kara system
C Kloimüllner
na, 2012
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden
C Kloimüllner, J Oetsch, J Puehrer, H Tompits
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Articles 1–18