Changlu Lin(林昌露)
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Zitiert von
Authenticated group key transfer protocol based on secret sharing
L Harn, C Lin
IEEE transactions on computers 59 (6), 842-846, 2010
An efficient authentication scheme for blockchain-based electronic health records
F Tang, S Ma, Y Xiang, C Lin
IEEE access 7, 41678-41689, 2019
Strong (n, t, n) verifiable secret sharing scheme
L Harn, C Lin
Information Sciences 180 (16), 3059-3064, 2010
Detection and identification of cheaters in (t, n) secret sharing scheme
L Harn, C Lin
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 52, 15-24, 2009
Design of DL-based certificateless digital signatures
L Harn, J Ren, C Lin
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (5), 789-793, 2009
Fair secret reconstruction in (t, n) secret sharing
L Harn, C Lin, Y Li
Journal of Information Security and Applications 23, 1-7, 2015
Efficient group Diffie–Hellman key agreement protocols
L Harn, C Lin
Computers & Electrical Engineering 40 (6), 1972-1980, 2014
Ideal perfect multilevel threshold secret sharing scheme
C Lin, L Harn, D Ye
2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security 2 …, 2009
Verifiable, reliable, and privacy-preserving data aggregation in fog-assisted mobile crowdsensing
X Yan, WWY Ng, B Zeng, C Lin, Y Liu, L Lu, Y Gao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (18), 14127-14140, 2021
Efficient on-line/off-line signature schemes based on multiple-collision trapdoor hash families
L Harn, WJ Hsin, C Lin
The Computer Journal 53 (9), 1478-1484, 2010
A publicly verifiable multi-secret sharing scheme with outsourcing secret reconstruction
C Lin, H Hu, CC Chang, S Tang
IEEE Access 6, 70666-70673, 2018
Provably secure convertible nominative signature scheme
W Zhao, C Lin, D Ye
Information Security and Cryptology: 4th International Conference, Inscrypt …, 2009
Security of truncated MACs
P Wang, D Feng, C Lin, W Wu
Information Security and Cryptology: 4th International Conference, Inscrypt …, 2009
Fully deniable message authentication protocols preserving confidentiality
L Harn, CY Lee, C Lin, CC Chang
The Computer Journal 54 (10), 1688-1699, 2011
Efficient threshold function secret sharing with information-theoretic security
J Luo, LF Zhang, F Lin, C Lin
IEEE Access 8, 6523-6532, 2020
Abaeks: Attribute-based authenticated encryption with keyword search over outsourced encrypted data
F Luo, H Wang, C Lin, X Yan
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023
Communication efficient secret sharing with small share size
J Ding, C Lin, H Wang, C Xing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (1), 659-669, 2021
An efficient group authentication for group communications
L Harn, C Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.1436, 2013
Unconditionally secure verifiable secret sharing scheme
C Lin, L Harn
AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 4 (17), 514-518, 2012
Bivariate polynomial-based secret sharing schemes with secure secret reconstruction
J Ding, P Ke, C Lin, H Wang
Information Sciences 593, 398-414, 2022
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