Carlos Granell (ORCID:0000-0003-1004-9695)
Carlos Granell (ORCID:0000-0003-1004-9695)
Associate Professor, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (Spain)
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An assessment of Public Participation GIS and Web 2.0 technologies in urban planning practice in Canela, Brazil
G Bugs, C Granell, O Fonts, J Huerta, M Painho
Cities 27 (3), 172-181, 2010
Service-oriented applications for environmental models: Reusable geospatial services
C Granell, L Díaz, M Gould
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2), 182-198, 2010
Opening up smart cities: citizen-centric challenges and opportunities from GIScience
A Degbelo, C Granell, S Trilles, D Bhattacharya, S Casteleyn, C Kray
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (2), 16, 2016
Smartphone Apps for the Treatment of Mental Disorders: Systematic Review
I Miralles, C Granell, L Díaz-Sanahuja, W Van Woensel, J Bretón-López, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (4), e14897, 2020
Integrating semantic and syntactic descriptions to chain geographic services
C Granell, R Lemmens, M Gould, A Wytzisk, R de By, P van Oosterom
Internet Computing, IEEE 10 (5), 42-52, 2006
Future Internet technologies for environmental applications
C Granell, D Havlik, S Schade, Z Sabeur, C Delaney, J Pielorz, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 78, 1-15, 2016
Beyond data collection: Objectives and methods of research using VGI and geo-social media for disaster management
C Granell, FO Ostermann
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 59, 231-243, 2016
A new friend in our smartphone?: observing interactions with chatbots in the search of emotional engagement
M Portela, C Granell-Canut
Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Human Computer …, 2017
Ranking European capitals by exposure to heat waves and cold waves
M Smid, S Russo, AC Costa, C Granell, E Pebesma
Urban Climate 27, 388-402, 2019
Reproducible research and GIScience: an evaluation using AGILE conference papers
D Nüst, C Granell, B Hofer, M Konkol, FO Ostermann, R Sileryte, V Cerutti
PeerJ 6 (e5072), 2018
Advancing Science with VGI: Reproducibility and Replicability of Recent Studies using VGI
FO Ostermann, C Granell
Transactions in GIS 21 (2), 224–237, 2017
Managing user-generated information in geospatial cyberinfrastructures
L Díaz, C Granell, M Gould, J Huerta
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (3), 304-314, 2011
Internet of things
C Granell, A Kamilaris, A Kotsev, FO Ostermann, S Trilles
Manual of Digital Earth, 387-423, 2020
Seeing the forest through the trees: A review of integrated environmental modelling tools
C Granell, S Schade, N Ostländer
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 41, 136-150, 2013
Downstream services for rice crop monitoring in Europe: From regional to local scale
L Busetto, S Casteleyn, C Granell, M Pepe, M Barbieri, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
Enhancing integrated environmental modelling by designing resource-oriented interfaces
C Granell, L Díaz, S Schade, N Ostländer, J Huerta
Environmental Modelling & Software 39, 229-246, 2013
A high-resolution, integrated system for rice yield forecasting at district level
V Pagani, T Guarneri, L Busetto, L Ranghetti, M Boschetti, E Movedi, ...
Agricultural Systems 168, 181-190, 2019
Spatial Data Infrastructures
C Granell, M Gould, MA Manso, MA Bernabé
Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics, 36-41, 2008
Citizen Science and Smart Cities
M Craglia, C Granell
Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
Development of spatial density maps based on geoprocessing web services: application to tuberculosis incidence in Barcelona, Spain
P Dominkovics, C Granell, A Perez-Navarro, M Casals, A Orcau, JA Cayla
International Journal of Health Geographics 10 (62), 2011
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