Chenguang Lu
Chenguang Lu
Master Researcher, Ericsson Sweden
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An LPC-based fronthaul compression scheme
L Ramalho, MN Fonseca, A Klautau, C Lu, M Berg, E Trojer, S Höst
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (2), 318-321, 2016
Connecting the dots: small cells shape up for high-performance indoor radio
CCPR Interface, PEP over Ethernet
Ericsson Review, 2014
Simple and causal copper cable model suitable for G. fast frequencies
D Acatauassu, S Höst, C Lu, M Berg, A Klautau, PO Börjesson
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (11), 4040-4051, 2014
Optimizing power normalization for G. fast linear precoder by linear programming
FCBF Müller, C Lu, PE Eriksson, S Höst, A Klautau
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 4160-4165, 2014
Improved LPC-based fronthaul compression with high rate adaptation resolution
L Ramalho, I Freire, C Lu, M Berg, A Klautau
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (3), 458-461, 2018
Simple and causal twisted-pair channel models for G. fast systems
D Acatauassu, S Höst, C Lu, M Berg, A Klautau, PO Börjesson
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2834-2839, 2013
Functional split of zero-forcing based massive MIMO for fronthaul load reduction
Y Huang, C Lu, M Berg, P Ödling
IEEE Access 6, 6350-6359, 2018
An integrated edge and fog system for future communication networks
PH Kuo, A Mourad, C Lu, M Berg, S Duquennoy, YY Chen, YH Hsu, ...
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW …, 2018
Crosstalk mitigation for LTE-over-copper in downlink direction
E Medeiros, Y Huang, T Magesacher, S Höst, PE Eriksson, C Lu, P Ödling, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (7), 1425-1428, 2016
Adjusted transmission in XDSL
C Lu, A Johansson, M Berg, PE Eriksson
US Patent 9,270,333, 2016
Joint beam training and data transmission control for mmWave delay-sensitive communications: A parallel reinforcement learning approach
W Lei, D Zhang, Y Ye, C Lu
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing 16 (3), 447-459, 2022
An integrated, virtualized joint edge and fog computing system with multi-rat convergence
D Rapone, R Quasso, SB Chundrigar, ST Talat, L Cominardi, ...
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2018
Analysis and evaluation of end-to-end PTP synchronization for Ethernet-based fronthaul
I Freire, I Sousa, A Klautau, I Almeida, C Lu, M Berg
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Rate-boosting using strong crosstalk in next generation wireline systems
Y Huang, T Magesacher, E Medeiros, C Lu, PE Eriksson, P Odling
2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2015
LTE over copper—Potential and limitations
Y Huang, E Medeiros, N Fonseca, S Höst, T Magesacher, PE Eriksson, ...
2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2015
Fronthaul functional split of IRC-based beamforming for massive MIMO systems
Y Huang, W Lei, C Lu, M Berg
2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), 1-5, 2019
Pico-RRU-based network implementation for facilitating 6LoWPAN data access
S Chakrabarti, J Larkins, JR i Riu, J Fornehed, C Lu
US Patent 9,369,919, 2016
Active antenna element (aae) implementation for facilitating 6lowpan data access
S Chakrabarti, J Larkins, JR i Riu, J Fornehed, C Lu
US Patent App. 14/187,167, 2015
Enabling DSL and radio on the same copper pair
Y Huang, E Medeiros, S Höst, T Magesacher, PE Eriksson, C Lu, P Ödling, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1031-1035, 2015
Capacity analysis of G. fast systems via time-domain simulations
I Almeida, A Klautau, C Lu
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 4008-4013, 2013
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