Daniel Rebelo dos Santos
Daniel Rebelo dos Santos
CEGIST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Cited by
Modelling the Blood Supply Chain
M Meneses, D Santos, A Barbosa-Póvoa
European Journal of Operational Research 307 (2), 499-518, 2023
Blood supply chain: a two-stage approach for tactical and operational planning
AM Araújo, D Santos, I Marques, A Barbosa-Povoa
Or Spectrum 42, 1023-1053, 2020
Combining and projecting flow models for the (precedence constrained) asymmetric traveling salesman problem
L Gouveia, P Pesneau, M Ruthmair, D Santos
Networks 71 (4), 451-465, 2018
Revisiting the Hamiltonian p-median problem: A new formulation on directed graphs and a branch-and-cut algorithm
T Bektaş, L Gouveia, D Santos
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (1), 40-64, 2019
New path elimination constraints for multi‐depot routing problems
T Bektaş, L Gouveia, D Santos
Networks 70 (3), 246-261, 2017
Compact formulations for multi-depot routing problems: Theoretical and computational comparisons
T Bektaş, L Gouveia, D Santos
Computers & Operations Research 124, 105084, 2020
Flexible master surgery scheduling: combining optimization and simulation in a rolling horizon approach
M Oliveira, F Visintin, D Santos, I Marques
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 34 (4), 824-858, 2022
Data-driven forecasting for operational planning of emergency medical services
P Abreu, D Santos, A Barbosa-Povoa
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 86, 101492, 2023
Designing master surgery schedules with downstream unit integration via stochastic programming
D Santos, I Marques
European Journal of Operational Research 299 (3), 834-852, 2022
The multi‐depot family traveling salesman problem and clustered variants: Mathematical formulations and branch‐&‐cut based methods
R Bernardino, L Gouveia, A Paias, D Santos
Networks 80 (4), 502-571, 2022
A multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model for thesis defence scheduling
J Almeida, D Santos, JR Figueira, AP Francisco
European Journal Of Operational Research 312 (1), 92-116, 2024
A systematic literature review on the utilization of extended operating room hours to reduce surgical backlogs
M Oliveira, V Bélanger, A Ruiz, D Santos
Frontiers in Public Health 11, 1118072, 2023
Um modelo de fluxo para o electric traveling salesman problem
L Gouveia, M Ruthmair, D Santos
A Investigaçao Operacional em Portugal-novos desafios novas ideias …, 2016
A study of flow-based models for the electric vehicle routing problem
DR dos Santos
PQDT-Global, 2015
A simulation framework to evaluate time savings in operating rooms
L Mertens, EC Müller, N Schwarm, FJ Vogt, L Wolbeck, D Santos, ...
Tighter integration in dl-programs
L Cruz-Filipe, P Engrácia, G Gaspar, R Henriques, I Nunes, D Santos
INForum 2013. Atas do 5º Simpósio de Informática, 457-468, 2013
Models for multi-depot routing problems
D Santos
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Articles 1–17