Dave Bacon
Dave Bacon
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Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, D Bacon, JC Bardin, R Barends, R Biswas, ...
Nature 574 (7779), 505-510, 2019
Federated Learning: Strategies for Improving Communication Efficiency
J Konečný, HB McMahan, FX Yu, P Richtárik, AT Suresh, D Bacon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05492, 2016
Universal quantum computation with the exchange interaction
DP DiVincenzo, D Bacon, J Kempe, G Burkard, KB Whaley
nature 408 (6810), 339-342, 2000
Hartree-Fock on a superconducting qubit quantum computer
Google AI Quantum and Collaborators*†, F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, ...
Science 369 (6507), 1084-1089, 2020
Theory of decoherence-free fault-tolerant universal quantum computation
J Kempe, D Bacon, DA Lidar, KB Whaley
Physical Review A 63 (4), 042307, 2001
Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit
Nature 614 (7949), 676-681, 2023
Quantum approximate optimization of non-planar graph problems on a planar superconducting processor
MP Harrigan, KJ Sung, M Neeley, KJ Satzinger, F Arute, K Arya, J Atalaya, ...
Nature Physics 17 (3), 332-336, 2021
Operator quantum error-correcting subsystems for self-correcting quantum memories
D Bacon
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 012340, 2006
Universal fault-tolerant quantum computation on decoherence-free subspaces
D Bacon, J Kempe, DA Lidar, KB Whaley
Physical Review Letters 85 (8), 1758, 2000
Tensorflow quantum: A software framework for quantum machine learning
M Broughton, G Verdon, T McCourt, AJ Martinez, JH Yoo, SV Isakov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.02989, 2020
Concatenating decoherence-free subspaces with quantum error correcting codes
DA Lidar, D Bacon, KB Whaley
Physical Review Letters 82 (22), 4556, 1999
Communication cost of simulating Bell correlations
BF Toner, D Bacon
Physical Review Letters 91 (18), 187904, 2003
Quantum computer systems for scientific discovery
Y Alexeev, D Bacon, KR Brown, R Calderbank, LD Carr, FT Chong, ...
PRX quantum 2 (1), 017001, 2021
Demonstrating a continuous set of two-qubit gates for near-term quantum algorithms
B Foxen, C Neill, A Dunsworth, P Roushan, B Chiaro, A Megrant, J Kelly, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (12), 120504, 2020
Efficient quantum circuits for Schur and Clebsch-Gordan transforms
D Bacon, IL Chuang, AW Harrow
Physical review letters 97 (17), 170502, 2006
Robustness of decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation
D Bacon, DA Lidar, KB Whaley
Physical Review A 60 (3), 1944, 1999
Finite automata for caching in matrix product algorithms
GM Crosswhite, D Bacon
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (1), 012356, 2008
From optimal measurement to efficient quantum algorithms for the hidden subgroup problem over semidirect product groups
D Bacon, AM Childs, W van Dam
46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'05), 469-478, 2005
Federated learning: Strategies for improving communication efficiency. arXiv
J Konečný, HB McMahan, FX Yu, P Richtárik, AT Suresh, D Bacon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05492 10, 2016
Observation of separated dynamics of charge and spin in the fermi-hubbard model
F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, D Bacon, JC Bardin, R Barends, A Bengtsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07965, 2020
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