Robert Tichler
Robert Tichler
Director, Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
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Power-to-gas: technology and business models
M Lehner, R Tichler, H Steinmüller, M Koppe
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Projecting cost development for future large-scale power-to-gas implementations by scaling effects
H Böhm, A Zauner, DC Rosenfeld, R Tichler
Applied Energy 264, 114780, 2020
Simulation based evaluation of large scale waste heat utilization in urban district heating networks: Optimized integration and operation of a seasonal storage
M Köfinger, RR Schmidt, D Basciotti, O Terreros, I Baldvinsson, ...
Energy 159, 1161-1174, 2018
The importance of incorporating reliability of supply criteria in a regulatory system of electricity distribution: An empirical analysis for Austria
J Reichl, A Kollmann, R Tichler, F Schneider
Energy policy 36 (10), 3862-3871, 2008
Socioeconomic cost-benefit-analysis of seasonal heat storages in district heating systems with industrial waste heat integration
S Moser, J Mayrhofer, RR Schmidt, R Tichler
Energy 160, 868-874, 2018
Renewable Power‐to‐Gas: A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Demo Sites within the STORE&GO Project
R Schlautmann, H Böhm, A Zauner, F Mörs, R Tichler, F Graf, T Kolb
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (4), 568-579, 2021
Innovative large-scale energy storage technologies and Power-to-Gas concepts after optimization
A Zauner, H Böhm, DC Rosenfeld, R Tichler
Analysis on future technology options and on techno-economic optimization2019, 2019
Technoökonomische Studie von Power-to-Gas-Konzepten
F Graf, M Götz, M Henel, T Schaaf, R Tichler
DVGW: Bonn, Germany, 2014
Power to Gas-eine Systemanalyse
H Steinmüller, R Tichler, C Friedl, M Furtlehner, J Lindorfer, M Schwarz, ...
Unknown Publisher, 2014
The power-to-gas concept
M Lehner, R Tichler, H Steinmüller, M Koppe, M Lehner, R Tichler, ...
Power-to-gas: technology and business models, 7-17, 2014
R Tichler, S Bauer, H Böhm
Storing Energy, 595-612, 2022
Hydrogen fuel, fuel cells, and methane
J Lindorfer, G Reiter, R Tichler, H Steinmüller
Managing Global Warming, 419-453, 2019
Water electrolysis
M Lehner, R Tichler, H Steinmüller, M Koppe, M Lehner, R Tichler, ...
Power-to-gas: technology and business models, 19-39, 2014
Power to Gas-eine Systemanalyse: Markt-und Technologiescouting und-analyse
H Steinmüller, G Reiter, R Tichler, C Friedl, M Furtlehner, J Lindorfer, ...
Im Auftrag des BMWFJ, 2014
D7. 5 Report on experience curves and economies of scale
H Böhm, A Zauner, S Goers, R Tichler, P Kroon
Innovative large-scale energy storage technologies and Power-to-Gas concepts …, 2018
Analysis on future technology options and on techno-economic optimization
A Zauner, D Rosenfeld, R Tichler
Store & Go 7, 2-89, 2019
D7. 7–Analysis on future technology options and on techno-economic optimization
A Zauner, H Böhm, D Rosenfeld, R Tichler
EU Horizon, 2020
Abschlussbericht: Techno-ökonomische Studie von Power-to-Gas-Konzepten
F Graf, M Götz, M Henel, T Schaaf, R Tichler
DVGW Forschung–Deutscher Verein des Gas-und Wasserfaches eV Bonn, 76-81, 2014
Innovative Large-Scale Energy Storage Technologies and Power-to-Gas Concepts after Optimization Analysis on Future Technology Options and on Techno-Economic Optimization 2019
A Zauner, H Böhm, DC Rosenfeld, R Tichler
Online: https://erig. eu/wpcontent/uploads/2023/02/2019-07-04_STOREandGO_D7 …, 2024
Power-to-gas: technology and business models. 2014
M Lehner, R Tichler, H Steinmüller, M Koppe, M Lehner, R Tichler, ...
Springer, 0
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