Jeffrey Kubik
Jeffrey Kubik
Department of Economics, Syracuse University
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Social interaction and stock‐market participation
H Hong, JD Kubik, JC Stein
The journal of finance 59 (1), 137-163, 2004
Does fund size erode mutual fund performance? The role of liquidity and organization
J Chen, H Hong, M Huang, JD Kubik
American Economic Review 94 (5), 1276-1302, 2004
Analyzing the analysts: Career concerns and biased earnings forecasts
H Hong, JD Kubik
The Journal of Finance 58 (1), 313-351, 2003
Security analysts' career concerns and herding of earnings forecasts
H Hong, JD Kubik, A Solomon
The Rand journal of economics, 121-144, 2000
Thy neighbor's portfolio: Word‐of‐mouth effects in the holdings and trades of money managers
H Hong, JD Kubik, JC Stein
The Journal of Finance 60 (6), 2801-2824, 2005
Financial constraints on corporate goodness
H Hong, JD Kubik, JA Scheinkman
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012
The only game in town: Stock-price consequences of local bias
H Hong, JD Kubik, JC Stein
Journal of Financial Economics 90 (1), 20-37, 2008
Outsourcing mutual fund management: Firm boundaries, incentives, and performance
J Chen, H Hong, W Jiang, JD Kubik
The Journal of Finance 68 (2), 523-558, 2013
Disability insurance rejection rates and the labor supply of older workers
J Gruber, JD Kubik
Journal of Public Economics 64 (1), 1-23, 1997
Crime, punishment and the value of corporate social responsibility
HG Hong, JD Kubik, I Liskovich, JA Scheinkman
Available at SSRN 2492202, 2019
Do arbitrageurs amplify economic shocks?
H Hong, JD Kubik, T Fishman
Journal of Financial Economics 103 (3), 454-470, 2012
Incentives for the identification and treatment of children with disabilities: the supplemental security income program
JD Kubik
Journal of Public Economics 73 (2), 187-215, 1999
Do security analysts discipline credit rating agencies?
K Fong, H Hong, M Kacperczyk, JD Kubik
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11 (4), 815-848, 2022
The incidence of personal income taxation: evidence from the tax reform act of 1986
JD Kubik
Journal of Public Economics 88 (7-8), 1567-1588, 2004
Fiscal federalism and welfare policy: The role of states in the growth of child SSI
JD Kubik
National Tax Journal 56 (1), 61-79, 2003
Lethal elections: Gubernatorial politics and the timing of executions
JD Kubik, JR Moran
The Journal of Law and Economics 46 (1), 1-25, 2003
Social interactions and the health insurance choices of the elderly: Evidence from the health and retirement study
E Beiseitov, JD Kubik, JR Moran
Available at SSRN 1809901, 2004
Health insurance coverage and the disability insurance application decision
J Gruber, JD Kubik
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002
Can policy changes be treated as natural experiments? Evidence from state excise taxes
JD Kubik, JR Moran
Evidence from State Excise Taxes (July 1, 2002). Syracuse University Center …, 2002
Ordering, revenue and anchoring in art auctions
H Hong, I Kremer, JD Kubik, J Mei, M Moses
The RAND Journal of Economics 46 (1), 186-216, 2015
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