Yun Huang
Yun Huang
Senior Research Scientist, Northwestern University
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As real as real? Macroeconomic behavior in a large-scale virtual world
E Castronova, D Williams, C Shen, R Ratan, L Xiong, Y Huang, B Keegan
New Media & Society 11 (5), 685-707, 2009
Understanding the assembly of interdisciplinary teams and its impact on performance
A Lungeanu, Y Huang, NS Contractor
Journal of informetrics 8 (1), 59-70, 2014
From Minnow to Whales: An Empirical Study of Purchase Behavior in Freemium Social Games
SW Shi, M Xia, Y Huang
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 20 (2), 177-207, 2015
Distance matters: Exploring proximity and homophily in virtual world networks
Y Huang, C Shen, NS Contractor
Decision Support Systems 55 (4), 969-977, 2013
Research Note—To Continue Sharing or Not to Continue Sharing? An Empirical Analysis of User Decision in Peer-to-Peer Sharing Networks
M Xia, Y Huang, W Duan, AB Whinston
Information Systems Research 23 (1), 247-259, 2012
Motivations for Self-Assembling into Project Teams
M Zhu, Y Huang, NS Contractor
Social Networks 35 (2), 251–264, 2013
Expert recommendation based on social drivers, social network analysis, and semantic data representation
M Fazel-Zarandi, HJ Devlin, Y Huang, N Contractor
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on information heterogeneity …, 2011
Defending wireless infrastructure against the challenge of DDoS attacks
X Geng, Y Huang, AB Whinston
Mobile Networks and Applications 7, 213-223, 2002
Structures of broken ties: exploring unfollow behavior on twitter
B Xu, Y Huang, H Kwak, N Contractor
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Y Huang, P Guo, BM Karmacharya, SR Seeruttun, DR Xu, Y Hao
Global health research and policy 4, 1-10, 2019
Prior shared success predicts victory in team competitions
S Mukherjee, Y Huang, J Neidhardt, B Uzzi, N Contractor
Nature human behaviour 3 (1), 74-81, 2019
Defeating DDoS attacks by fixing the incentive chain
Y Huang, X Geng, AB Whinston
ACM Transactions on internet Technology (TOIT) 7 (1), 5-es, 2007
Epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection: results from a community-based study of 0.15 million residents in South China
F Zeng, P Guo, Y Huang, W Xin, Z Du, S Zhu, Y Deng, D Zhang, Y Hao
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36186, 2016
Modeling customer preferences using multidimensional network analysis in engineering design
M Wang, W Chen, Y Huang, NS Contractor, Y Fu
Design Science 2, e11, 2016
CI-KNOW: recommendation based on social networks.
Y Huang, NS Contractor, Y Yao
DG. O, 375-376, 2008
The Formation of Task-oriented Groups: Exploring Combat Activities in Online Games
Y Huang, M Zhu, J Wang, N Pathak, C Shen, B Keegan, D Williams, ...
Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE '09. International …, 2009
Ballot box communication in online communities
M Xia, Y Huang, W Duan, AB Whinston
Communications of the ACM 52 (9), 138--142, 2009
Differential response of vegetation in Hulun Lake region at the northern margin of Asian summer monsoon to extreme cold events of the last deglaciation
S Zhang, J Xiao, Q Xu, R Wen, J Fan, Y Huang, H Yamagata
Quaternary Science Reviews 190, 57-65, 2018
Virtually there: Exploring proximity and homophily in a virtual world
Y Huang, C Shen, D Williams, N Contractor
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 4 …, 2009
Forecasting technological impacts on customers’ co-consideration behaviors: a data-driven network analysis approach
M Wang, Z Sha, Y Huang, N Contractor, Y Fu, W Chen
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
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