Marco Ferdinando Martorana
Marco Ferdinando Martorana
Associate Professor of Public Economics - Dep. of Economics and business - University of Catania
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Cited by
On the role of cultural participation in tourism destination performance: an assessment using robust conditional efficiency approach
C Guccio, D Lisi, M Martorana, A Mignosa
Journal of Cultural Economics 41, 129-154, 2017
Technology and public access to cultural heritage: the Italian experience on ICT for public historical archives
C Guccio, MF Martorana, I Mazza, I Rizzo
Cultural heritage in a changing world, 55-75, 2016
Evaluating the impact of the Bologna Process on the efficiency convergence of Italian universities: A non-parametric frontier approach
C Guccio, MF Martorana, L Monaco
Journal of Productivity Analysis 45, 275-298, 2016
Efficiency assessment and convergence in teaching and research in Italian public universities
C Guccio, MF Martorana, I Mazza
Scientometrics 107, 1063-1094, 2016
Is innovation in ICT valuable for the efficiency of Italian museums?
C Guccio, MF Martorana, I Mazza, G Pignataro, I Rizzo
Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Digital Transformation, 88-109, 2023
Does higher institutional quality improve the appropriateness of healthcare provision?
G De Luca, D Lisi, M Martorana, L Siciliani
Journal of Public Economics 194, 104356, 2021
An analysis of the managerial performance of Italian museums using a generalised conditional efficiency model
C Guccio, M Martorana, I Mazza, G Pignataro, I Rizzo
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 72, 100891, 2020
The efficiency change of Italian public universities in the new millennium: a non-parametric analysis
C Guccio, MF Martorana, I Mazza
Tertiary Education and Management 23 (3), 222-236, 2017
Back to the Future: Does the use of information and communication technology enhance the performance of public historical archives?
C Guccio, M Martorana, I Mazza, I Rizzo
Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 13-43, 2021
An assessment of the performance of Italian public historical archives: Preservation vs utilisation
C Guccio, M Martorana, I Mazza, G Pignataro, I Rizzo
Journal of Policy Modeling 42 (6), 1270-1286, 2020
Participation in the arts and social inclusion in disadvantaged neighbourhoods
MF Martorana, I Mazza, L Monaco
Enhancing Participation in the Arts in the EU: Challenges and Methods, 79-95, 2017
The ICT strategy of Italian museums: institutional, supply and demand side drivers
M Cavalieri, L Ferrante, M Martorana, I Rizzo
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 33 (4), 489-509, 2024
An Economic Analysis of the Use of Local Natural Waste: Volcanic Ash of Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy) for Geopolymer Production
M Cavalieri, PL Ferrara, C Finocchiaro, MF Martorana
Sustainability 16 (2), 740, 2024
Designed for the job? An empirical study on the determinants of design graduates’ work choices
M Lavanga, MF Martorana, E Loots, E Nieboer
Cultural Trends 30 (4), 321-337, 2021
Back to the Future. The effect of digital technology on the performance of public historical archives
C Guccio, M Martorana, I Mazza, I Rizzo
ACEI Working Paper Series, 2016
Evaluating italian university teaching efficiency convergence: A non-parametric frontier approach
C Guccio, M Martorana, L Monaco
Efficiency of Italian early child care provision: A bootstrapped DEA assessment
C Guccio, D Lisi, M Martorana
Advances in Local Public Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Studies, 233-248, 2019
Adaptive voting: an empirical analysis of participation and choice
MF Martorana, I Mazza
The economics of heritage: some implications of devolution
M Martorana, I Mazza, A Mignosa, I Rizzo
Advances in Local Public Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Studies, 249-260, 2019
The multi-product nature of the firm in the arts sector: A case study on ‘Centro Zo’
R Cellini, MF Martorana, F Platania
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Articles 1–20