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arun c o
IIT Palakkad
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Cited by
Stochastic meshfree method for elasto-plastic damage analysis
CO Arun, BN Rao, SM Srinivasan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (37-40), 2590-2606, 2010
Stochastic meshfree method for elastic buckling analysis of columns
A Gupta, CO Arun
Computers & Structures 194, 32-47, 2018
A stochastic B-spline wavelet on the interval finite element method for beams
S Vadlamani, CO Arun
Computers & Structures 233, 106246, 2020
Development and validation of a simple two degree of freedom model for predicting maximum fundamental sloshing mode wave height in a cylindrical tank
V Sharma, CO Arun, IRP Krishna
Journal of Sound and Vibration 461, 114906, 2019
On Material Discontinuity Treatment in Element Free Galerkin Method
CO Arun, BN Rao, SM Sivakumar
Journal of Structural Engineering(Chennai) 36 (3), 182-194, 2009
Construction of beam elements considering von Kármán nonlinear strains using B-spline wavelet on the interval
S Vadlamani, CO Arun
Applied Mathematical Modelling 68, 675-695, 2019
An improved response function based stochastic meshless method for problems in elasto-statics
M Aswathy, CO Arun
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372, 113419, 2020
A stochastic B-spline wavelet on the interval finite element method for problems in elasto-statics
S Vadlamani, CO Arun
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 58, 102996, 2019
Continuum damage growth analysis using element free Galerkin method
CO Arun, BN Rao, SM Srinivasan
Sadhana 35, 279-301, 2010
Free vibration analysis of pre-stressed membrane using element free Galerkin method
KR Unnikrishnan, IR Praveen Krishna, CO Arun
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE) Emerging …, 2020
Analysis of geometrically nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beam using EFGM
D Paavani, M Aswathy, CO Arun, IRP Krishna
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 936 (1), 012050, 2020
A background cell-based numerical integration for B-spline wavelet on the interval finite element method
S Vadlamani, A CO
Engineering Computations 36 (2), 569-598, 2019
Wrinkling analysis of pre-stressed rectangular membranes using element-free Galerkin method
KR Unnikrishnan, IR Praveen Krishna, CO Arun
International Journal of Computational Methods 18 (03), 2041001, 2021
Design of a bio-inspired composite using probabilistic fracture mechanics
A Saroj, KAJ Rose, CO Arun, S Anup
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 95, 96-102, 2019
A simple and efficient stochastic meshfree method for linear eigenvalue problems in structural mechanics
M Aswathy, CO Arun
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 68, 103236, 2022
Perturbation-Based Stochastic Meshless Method for Buckling Analysis of Plates
M Aswathy, CO Arun
International Journal of Computational Methods 18 (10), 2150044, 2021
A perturbation-based stochastic nonlinear beam element formulation using the B-spline wavelet on the interval finite element method
S Vadlamani, CO Arun
Acta Mechanica 232 (12), 4987-5001, 2021
An improved response function based stochastic meshless method for bending analysis of thin plates
M Aswathy, CO Arun
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 85680 …, 2021
A stochastic B-spline wavelet on the interval finite element method for elastic buckling of columns
S Vadlamaniš, CO Arun
Reliability studies of deteriorating reinforced concrete flexural members
CO Arun, TMM Pillai
Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Civil Engineering Division …, 2006
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