Yuval Gefen
Yuval Gefen
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Anomalous diffusion on percolating clusters
Y Gefen, A Aharony, S Alexander
Physical Review Letters 50 (1), 77, 1983
Persistent currents in small one-dimensional metal rings
HF Cheung, Y Gefen, EK Riedel, WH Shih
Physical Review B 37 (11), 6050, 1988
Quasiparticle lifetime in a finite system: A nonperturbative approach
BL Altshuler, Y Gefen, A Kamenev, LS Levitov
Physical review letters 78 (14), 2803, 1997
Fluctuations and response in financial markets: thesubtle nature ofrandom'price changes
JP Bouchaud, Y Gefen, M Potters, M Wyart
Quantitative finance 4 (2), 176, 2003
Sociophysics: A new approach of sociological collective behaviour. I. mean‐behaviour description of a strike
S Galam, Y Gefen, Y Shapir
Journal of Mathematical Sociology 9 (1), 1-13, 1982
Quantum oscillations and the Aharonov-Bohm effect for parallel resistors
Y Gefen, Y Imry, MY Azbel
Physical review letters 52 (2), 129, 1984
Critical phenomena on fractal lattices
Y Gefen, BB Mandelbrot, A Aharony
Physical Review Letters 45 (11), 855, 1980
Persistent differences between canonical and grand canonical averages in mesoscopic ensembles: Large paramagnetic orbital susceptibilities
BL Altshuler, Y Gefen, Y Imry
Physical review letters 66 (1), 88, 1991
Solvable fractal family, and its possible relation to the backbone at percolation
Y Gefen, A Aharony, BB Mandelbrot, S Kirkpatrick
Physical Review Letters 47 (25), 1771, 1981
Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings and cylinders
HF Cheung, EK Riedel, Y Gefen
Physical review letters 62 (5), 587, 1989
Phase transitions on fractals. III. Infinitely ramified lattices
Y Gefen, A Aharony, BB Mandelbrot
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 17 (6), 1277, 1984
Geometric phase from Aharonov–Bohm to Pancharatnam–Berry and beyond
E Cohen, H Larocque, F Bouchard, F Nejadsattari, Y Gefen, E Karimi
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (7), 437-449, 2019
Geometric implementation of hypercubic lattices with noninteger dimensionality by use of low lacunarity fractal lattices
Y Gefen, Y Meir, BB Mandelbrot, A Aharony
Physical Review Letters 50 (3), 145, 1983
Phase transitions on fractals. II. Sierpinski gaskets
Y Gefen, A Aharony, Y Shapir, BB Mandelbrot
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 17 (2), 435, 1984
Universal effects of spin-orbit scattering in mesoscopic systems
Y Meir, Y Gefen, O Entin-Wohlman
Physical review letters 63 (7), 798, 1989
Phase transitions on fractals. I. Quasi-linear lattices
Y Gefen, A Aharony, BB Mandelbrot
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 16 (6), 1267, 1983
New quantum oscillations in current driven small junctions
E Ben-Jacob, Y Gefen
Physics Letters A 108 (5-6), 289-292, 1985
Dynamic scaling near the percolation threshold in thin Au films
RB Laibowitz, Y Gefen
Physical review letters 53 (4), 380, 1984
Nonlinear behavior near the percolation metal-insulator transition
Y Gefen, WH Shih, RB Laibowitz, JM Viggiano
Physical review letters 57 (24), 3097, 1986
Aharonov-Bohm interferometry with interacting quantum dots: Spin configurations, asymmetric interference patterns, bias-voltage-induced Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, and …
J König, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 65 (4), 045316, 2002
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